Getting derivatives from implicit functions with autograd

| categories: python, autograd | tags:

If we have an implicit function: \(f(x, y(x)) = 0\), but we want to compute the derivative \(dy/dx\) we can use the chain rule to derive:

\(df/dx + df/dy dy/dx = 0\)

We can then solve for \(dy/dx\):

\(dy/dx = -df/dx / df/dy\) to get the desired derivative. The interesting point of this blog post is that we can get the two derivatives on the right hand side of this equation using automatic differentiation of the function \(f(x, y)\)! There are a few examples of analytical approaches to derivatives from implicit functions here, and I wanted to explore them with autograd in this post.

In the following examples, we will assume that \(y\) is a function of \(x\) and that \(x\) is independent. We will consider a series of implicit equations, compute \(dy/dx\) using autograd from the formula above, and compare them to the analytical results in the web page referenced above.

The \(dy/dx\) functions generally depend on both \(x\), and \(y\). Technically, these are the derivatives along the curve \(y(x)\), but since we can evaluate them at any points, we will use some random points for \(x\) and \(y\) to test for equality between the analytical derivatives and the autograd derivatives. This isn't a rigorous proof of equality, but it is the only thing that makes sense to do for now. It is assumed that if these points are ok, all the others are too. That might be a broad claim, since we only sample \(x\) and \(y\) from 0 to 1 here but the approach is general. Here are the imports and the random test points for all the examples that follow.

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad

xr = np.random.random(50)
yr = np.random.random(50)

1 Example 1

\(x^3 + y^3 = 4\)

def f1(x, y):
    return x**3 + y**3 - 4

D1x = grad(f1, 0)
D1y = grad(f1, 1)

dydx_1 = lambda x, y: -D1x(x, y) / D1y(x, y)
dydx_1a = lambda x, y: -x**2 / y**2

np.allclose(dydx_1a(xr, yr),
             [dydx_1(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])

The output of True means the autograd results and the analytical results are "all close", i.e. within a tolerance the results are the same. The required derivatives of this are not that difficult to derive, but it is nice to see a simple example that "just works". A subtle point of the dydx function is that it is not vectorized which is why I used a list comprehension to evaluate all the points. It might be possible to make a pseudo-vectorized version with the np.vectorize decorator, but that is not of interest here.

2 Example 2

\((x - y)^2 = x + y - 1\)

def f2(x, y):
    return (x - y)**2 - x - y + 1

D2x = grad(f2, 0)
D2y = grad(f2, 1)

dydx_2 = lambda x, y: -D2x(x, y) / D2y(x, y)
dydx2_a = lambda x, y: (2 * y - 2 * x + 1) / (2 * y - 2 * x - 1)

np.allclose(dydx2_a(xr, yr),
            [dydx_2(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])

This also works.

3 Example 3

\(y = sin(3x + 4y)\)

def f3(x, y):
    return y - np.sin(3 * x + 4 * y)

D3x = grad(f3, 0)
D3y = grad(f3, 1)

dydx_3 = lambda x, y: -D3x(x, y) / D3y(x, y)
dydx3_a = lambda x, y: (3 * np.cos(3 * x + 4 * y)) / (1 - 4 * np.cos(3 * x + 4 * y))

np.allclose(dydx3_a(xr, yr),
            [dydx_3(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])


4 Example 4

\(y = x^2 y^3 + x^3 y^2\)

def f4(x, y):
    return y - x**2 * y**3 - x**3 * y**2

D4x = grad(f4, 0)
D4y = grad(f4, 1)

dydx_4 = lambda x, y: -D4x(x, y) / D4y(x, y)
dydx4_a = lambda x, y: (2 * x * y**3 + 3 * x**2 * y**2) / (1 - 3 * x**2 * y**2 - 2 * x**3 * y)

np.allclose(dydx4_a(xr, yr),
            [dydx_4(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])

5 Example 5

\(e^{xy} = e^{4x} - e^{5y}\)

def f5(x, y):
    return np.exp(4 * x) - np.exp(5 * y) - np.exp(x * y)

D5x = grad(f5, 0)
D5y = grad(f5, 1)

dydx_5 = lambda x, y: -D5x(x, y) / D5y(x, y)
dydx5_a = lambda x, y: (4 * np.exp(4 * x) - y * np.exp(x * y)) / (x * np.exp(x * y) + 5 * np.exp(5 * y))

np.allclose(dydx5_a(xr, yr),
            [dydx_5(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])

Also check.

6 Example 6

\(\cos^2 x + cos^2 y = cos(2x + 2y)\)

def f6(x, y):
    return np.cos(x)**2 + np.cos(y)**2 - np.cos(2 * x + 2 * y)

D6x = grad(f6, 0)
D6y = grad(f6, 1)

dydx_6 = lambda x, y: -D6x(x, y) / D6y(x, y)
dydx6_a = lambda x, y: (np.cos(x) * np.sin(x) - np.sin(2 * x + 2 * y)) / (np.sin(2 * x + 2 * y) - np.cos(y) * np.sin(y))

np.allclose(dydx6_a(xr, yr),
            [dydx_6(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])


7 Example 7

\(x = 3 + \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\)

def f7(x, y):
    return 3 + np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) - x

D7x = grad(f7, 0)
D7y = grad(f7, 1)

dydx_7 = lambda x, y: -D7x(x, y) / D7y(x, y)
dydx7_a = lambda x, y: (np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) - x) / y

np.allclose(dydx7_a(xr, yr),
            [dydx_7(_xr, _yr) for _xr, _yr in zip(xr, yr)])

8 Conclusions

There are a handful of other examples at the website referenced in the beginning, but I am stopping here. After seven examples of quantitative agreement between the easy to derive autograd derivatives, and the easy to moderately difficult analytical derivatives, it seems like it is autograd for the win here. This technique has some important implications for engineering calculations that I will explore in a future post. Until then, this is yet another interesting thing we can do with automatic differentiation!

Copyright (C) 2018 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

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Org-mode version = 9.1.13

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Compressibility factor variation from the van der Waals equation by three different approaches

| categories: python, nonlinear algebra, ode, autograd | tags:

In the book Problem solving in chemical and biochemical engineering with POLYMATH, Excel and Matlab by Cutlip and Shacham there is a problem (7.1) where you want to plot the compressibility factor for CO2 over a range of \(0.1 \le P_r <= 10\) for a constant \(T_r=1.1\) using the van der Waal equation of state. There are a two standard ways to do this:

  1. Solve a nonlinear equation for different values of \(P_r\).
  2. Solve a nonlinear equation for one value of \(P_r\), then derive an ODE for how the compressibility varies with \(P_r\) and integrate it over the relevant range.

In this post, we compare and contrast the two methods, and consider a variation of the second method that uses automatic differentiation.

1 Method 1 - fsolve

The van der Waal equation of state is:

\(P = \frac{R T}{V - b} - \frac{a}{V^2}\).

We define the reduced pressure as \(P_r = P / P_c\), and the reduced temperature as \(T_r = T / T_c\).

So, we simply solve for V at a given \(P_r\), and then compute \(Z\). There is a subtle trick needed to make this easy to solve, and that is to multiply each side of the equation by \((V - b)\) to avoid a singularity when \(V = b\), which happens in this case near \(P_r \approx 7.5\).

from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

R = 0.08206
Pc = 72.9
Tc = 304.2

a = 27 * R**2 * Tc**2 / (Pc * 64)
b = R * Tc / (8 * Pc)

Tr = 1.1

def objective(V, Pr):
    P = Pr * Pc
    T = Tr * Tc
    return P * (V - b) - (R * T)  +  a / V**2 * (V - b)

Pr_range = np.linspace(0.1, 10)
V = [fsolve(objective, 3, args=(Pr,))[0] for Pr in Pr_range]

T = Tr * Tc
P_range = Pr_range * Pc
Z = P_range * V / (R * T)

plt.plot(Pr_range, Z)
plt.xlim([0, 10])
plt.ylim([0, 2])
(0, 2)

That looks like Figure 7-1 in the book. This approach is fine, but the equation did require a little algebraic finesse to solve, and you have to use some iteration to get the solution.

2 Method 2 - solve_ivp

In this method, you have to derive an expression for \(\frac{dV}{dP_r}\). That derivation goes like this:

\(\frac{dV}{dP_r} = \frac{dV}{dP} \frac{dP}{dP_r}\)

The first term \(\frac{dV}{dP}\) is \((\frac{dP}{dV})^{-1}\), which we can derive directly from the van der Waal equation, and the second term is just a constant: \(P_c\) from the definition of \(P_r\).

They derived:

\(\frac{dP}{dV} = -\frac{R T}{(V - b)^2} + \frac{2 a}{V^3}\)

We need to solve for one V, at the beginning of the range of \(P_r\) we are interested in.

V0, = fsolve(objective, 3, args=(0.1,))

Now, we can define the functions, and integrate them to get the same solution. I defined these pretty verbosely, just for readability.

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

def dPdV(V):
    return -R * T / (V - b)**2 + 2 * a / V**3

def dVdP(V):
    return 1 / dPdV(V)

dPdPr = Pc

def dVdPr(Pr, V):
    return dVdP(V) * dPdPr

Pr_span = (0.1, 10)
Pr_eval, h = np.linspace(*Pr_span, retstep=True)

sol = solve_ivp(dVdPr, Pr_span, (V0,), dense_output=True, max_step=h)

V = sol.y[0]
P = sol.t * Pc
Z = P * V / (R * T)
plt.plot(sol.t, Z)
plt.xlim([0, 10])
plt.ylim([0, 2])
(0, 2)

This also looks like Figure 7-1. It is arguably a better approach since we only need an initial condition, and after that have a reliable integration (rather than many iterative solutions from an initial guess of the solution in fsolve).

The only downside to this approach (in my opinion) is the need to derive and implement derivatives. As equations of state get more complex, this gets more tedious and complicated.

3 Method 3 - autograd + solve_ivp

The whole point of automatic differentiation is to get derivatives of functions that are written as programs. We explore here the possibility of using this to solve this problem. The idea is to use autograd to define the derivative \(dP/dV\), and then solve the ODE like we did before.

from autograd import grad

def P(V):
    return R * T / (V - b) - a / V**2

# autograd.grad returns a callable that acts like a function
dPdV = grad(P, 0)

def dVdPr(Pr, V):
    return 1 / dPdV(V) * Pc

sol = solve_ivp(dVdPr,  Pr_span, (V0,), dense_output=True, max_step=h)

V, = sol.y
P = sol.t * Pc
Z = P * V / (R * T)
plt.plot(sol.t, Z)
plt.xlim([0, 10])
plt.ylim([0, 2])
(0, 2)

Not surprisingly, this answer looks the same as the previous ones. I think this solution is pretty awesome. We only had to implement the van der Waal equation, and then let autograd do its job to get the relevant derivative. We don't get a free pass on calculus here; we still have to know which derivatives are important. We also need some knowledge about how to use autograd, but with that, this problem becomes pretty easy to solve.

Copyright (C) 2018 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

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Org-mode version = 9.1.13

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Solving an eigenvalue differential equation with a neural network

| categories: autograd, bvp, eigenvalue | tags:

The 1D harmonic oscillator is described here. It is a boundary value differential equation with eigenvalues. If we let let ω=1, m=1, and units where ℏ=1. then, the governing differential equation becomes:

\(-0.5 \frac{d^2\psi(x)}{dx^2} + (0.5 x^2 - E) \psi(x) = 0\)

with boundary conditions: \(\psi(-\infty) = \psi(\infty) = 0\)

We can further stipulate that the probability of finding the particle over this domain is equal to one: \(\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \psi^2(x) dx = 1\). In this set of equations, \(E\) is an eigenvalue, which means there are only non-trivial solutions for certain values of \(E\).

Our goal is to solve this equation using a neural network to represent the wave function. This is a different problem than the one here or here because of the eigenvalue. This is an additional adjustable parameter we have to find. Also, we have the normalization constraint to consider, which we did not consider before.

1 The neural network setup

Here we setup the neural network and its derivatives. This is the same as we did before.

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad
import autograd.numpy.random as npr
from autograd.misc.optimizers import adam

def init_random_params(scale, layer_sizes, rs=npr.RandomState(42)):
    """Build a list of (weights, biases) tuples, one for each layer."""
    return [(rs.randn(insize, outsize) * scale,   # weight matrix
             rs.randn(outsize) * scale)           # bias vector
            for insize, outsize in zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:])]

def swish(x):
    return x / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))

def psi(nnparams, inputs):
    "Neural network wavefunction"
    for W, b in nnparams:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = swish(outputs)    
    return outputs

psip = elementwise_grad(psi, 1) # dpsi/dx 
psipp = elementwise_grad(psip, 1) # d^2psi/dx^2

2 The objective function

The important function we need is the objective function. This function codes the Schrödinger equation, the boundary conditions, and the normalization as a cost function that we will later seek to minimize. Ideally, at the solution the objective function will be zero. We can't put infinity into our objective function, but it turns out that x = ± 6 is practically infinity in this case, so we approximate the boundary conditions there.

Another note is the numerical integration by the trapezoid rule. I use a vectorized version of this because autograd doesn't have a trapz derivative and I didn't feel like figuring one out.

We define the params to vary here as a dictionary containing neural network weights and biases, and the value of the eigenvalue.

# Here is our initial guess of params:
nnparams = init_random_params(0.1, layer_sizes=[1, 8, 1])

params = {'nn': nnparams, 'E': 0.4}

x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 200)[:, None]

def objective(params, step):
    nnparams = params['nn']
    E = params['E']        
    # This is Schrodinger's eqn
    zeq = -0.5 * psipp(nnparams, x) + (0.5 * x**2 - E) * psi(nnparams, x) 
    bc0 = psi(nnparams, -6.0) # This approximates -infinity
    bc1 = psi(nnparams, 6.0)  # This approximates +infinity
    y2 = psi(nnparams, x)**2
    # This is a numerical trapezoid integration
    prob = np.sum((y2[1:] + y2[0:-1]) / 2 * (x[1:] - x[0:-1]))
    return np.mean(zeq**2) + bc0**2 + bc1**2 + (1.0 - prob)**2

# This gives us feedback from the optimizer
def callback(params, step, g):
    if step % 1000 == 0:
        print("Iteration {0:3d} objective {1}".format(step,
                                                      objective(params, step)))

3 The minimization

Now, we just let an optimizer minimize the objective function for us. Note, I ran this next block more than once, as the objective continued to decrease. I ran this one at least two times, and the loss was still decreasing slowly.

params = adam(grad(objective), params,
              step_size=0.001, num_iters=5001, callback=callback) 

Iteration   0 objective [[ 0.00330204]]
Iteration 1000 objective [[ 0.00246459]]
Iteration 2000 objective [[ 0.00169862]]
Iteration 3000 objective [[ 0.00131453]]
Iteration 4000 objective [[ 0.00113132]]
Iteration 5000 objective [[ 0.00104405]]

Good news, the lowest energy eigenvalue is known to be 0.5 for our choice of parameters, and that is approximately what we got. Now let's see our solution and compare it to the known solution. Interestingly we got the negative of the solution, which is still a solution. The NN solution is not indistinguishable from the analytical solution, and has some spurious curvature in the tails, but it is approximately correct, and more training might get it closer. A different activation function might also work better.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(-6, 6)[:, None]
y = psi(params['nn'], x)

plt.plot(x, -y, label='NN')
plt.plot(x, (1/np.pi)**0.25 * np.exp(-x**2 / 2), 'r--', label='analytical')

4 The first excited state

Now, what about the first excited state? This has an eigenvalue of 1.5, and the solution has odd parity. We can naively change the eigenvalue, and hope that the optimizer will find the right new solution. We do that here, and use the old NN params.

params['E'] = 1.6

Now, we run a round of optimization:

params = adam(grad(objective), params,
              step_size=0.003, num_iters=5001, callback=callback) 

Iteration   0 objective [[ 0.09918192]]
Iteration 1000 objective [[ 0.00102333]]
Iteration 2000 objective [[ 0.00100269]]
Iteration 3000 objective [[ 0.00098684]]
Iteration 4000 objective [[ 0.00097425]]
Iteration 5000 objective [[ 0.00096347]]

That doesn't work though. The optimizer just pushes the solution back to the known one. Next, we try starting from scratch with the eigenvalue guess.

nnparams = init_random_params(0.1, layer_sizes=[1, 8, 1])

params = {'nn': nnparams, 'E': 1.6}

params = adam(grad(objective), params,
              step_size=0.003, num_iters=5001, callback=callback) 

Iteration   0 objective [[ 2.08318762]]
Iteration 1000 objective [[ 0.02358685]]
Iteration 2000 objective [[ 0.00726497]]
Iteration 3000 objective [[ 0.00336433]]
Iteration 4000 objective [[ 0.00229851]]
Iteration 5000 objective [[ 0.00190942]]

That also doesn't work. We are going to have to steer this. The idea is pre-train the neural network to have the basic shape and symmetry we want, and then use that as the input for the objective function. The first excited state has odd parity, and here is a guess of that shape. This is a pretty ugly hacked up version that only roughly has the right shape. I am counting on the NN smoothing out the discontinuities.

xm = np.linspace(-6, 6)[:, None]
ym = -0.5 * ((-1 * (xm + 1.5)**2) + 1.5) * (xm < 0) * (xm > -3)
yp = -0.5 * ((1 * (xm - 1.5)**2 ) - 1.5) * (xm > 0) * (xm < 3)

plt.plot(xm, (ym + yp))
plt.plot(x, (1/np.pi)**0.25 * np.sqrt(2) * x * np.exp(-x**2 / 2), 'r--', label='analytical')

Now we pretrain a bit.

def pretrain(params, step):
    nnparams = params['nn']
    errs = psi(nnparams, xm) - (ym + yp)
    return np.mean(errs**2)

params = adam(grad(pretrain), params,
              step_size=0.003, num_iters=501, callback=callback) 
Iteration   0 objective [[ 1.09283695]]

Here is the new initial guess we are going to use. You can see that indeed a lot of smoothing has occurred.

plt.plot(xm, ym + yp, xm, psi(params['nn'], xm))

That has the right shape now. So we go back to the original objective function.

params = adam(grad(objective), params,
              step_size=0.001, num_iters=5001, callback=callback) 

Iteration   0 objective [[ 0.00370029]]
Iteration 1000 objective [[ 0.00358193]]
Iteration 2000 objective [[ 0.00345137]]
Iteration 3000 objective [[ 0.00333]]
Iteration 4000 objective [[ 0.0032198]]
Iteration 5000 objective [[ 0.00311844]]

I ran that optimization block many times. The loss is still decreasing, but slowly. More importantly, the eigenvalue is converging to 1.5, which is the known analytical value, and the solution is converging to the known solution.

x = np.linspace(-6, 6)[:, None]
y = psi(params['nn'], x)

plt.plot(x, y, label='NN')
plt.plot(x, (1/np.pi)**0.25 * np.sqrt(2) * x * np.exp(-x**2 / 2), 'r--', label='analytical')

We can confirm the normalization is reasonable:

# check the normalization
print(np.trapz(y.T * y.T, x.T))
[ 0.99781886]

5 Summary

This is another example of using autograd to solve an eigenvalue differential equation. Some of these solutions required tens of thousands of iterations of training. The groundstate wavefunction was very easy to get. The first excited state, on the other hand, took some active steering. This is very much like how an initial guess can change which solution a nonlinear optimization (which this is) finds.

There are other ways to solve this particular problem. What I think is interesting about this is the possibility to solve harder problems, e.g. not just a harmonic potential, but a more complex one. You could pretrain a network on the harmonic solution, and then use it as the initial guess for the harder problem (which has no analytical solution).

Copyright (C) 2017 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 9.1.2

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Solving ODEs with a neural network and autograd

| categories: autograd, ode | tags:

In the last post I explored using a neural network to solve a BVP. Here, I expand the idea to solving an initial value ordinary differential equation. The idea is basically the same, we just have a slightly different objective function.

\(dCa/dt = -k Ca(t)\) where \(Ca(t=0) = 2.0\).

Here is the code that solves this equation, along with a comparison to the analytical solution: \(Ca(t) = Ca0 \exp -kt\).

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad
import autograd.numpy.random as npr
from autograd.misc.optimizers import adam

def init_random_params(scale, layer_sizes, rs=npr.RandomState(0)):
    """Build a list of (weights, biases) tuples, one for each layer."""
    return [(rs.randn(insize, outsize) * scale,   # weight matrix
             rs.randn(outsize) * scale)           # bias vector
            for insize, outsize in zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:])]

def swish(x):
    return x / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))

def Ca(params, inputs):
    "Neural network functions"
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = swish(outputs)    
    return outputs

# Here is our initial guess of params:
params = init_random_params(0.1, layer_sizes=[1, 8, 1])

# Derivatives
dCadt = elementwise_grad(Ca, 1)

k = 0.23
Ca0 = 2.0
t = np.linspace(0, 10).reshape((-1, 1))

# This is the function we seek to minimize
def objective(params, step):
    # These should all be zero at the solution
    # dCadt = -k * Ca(t)
    zeq = dCadt(params, t) - (-k * Ca(params, t))
    ic = Ca(params, 0) - Ca0
    return np.mean(zeq**2) + ic**2

def callback(params, step, g):
    if step % 1000 == 0:
        print("Iteration {0:3d} objective {1}".format(step,
                                                      objective(params, step)))

params = adam(grad(objective), params,
              step_size=0.001, num_iters=5001, callback=callback) 

tfit = np.linspace(0, 20).reshape(-1, 1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(tfit, Ca(params, tfit), label='soln')
plt.plot(tfit, Ca0 * np.exp(-k * tfit), 'r--', label='analytical soln')
plt.xlim([0, 20])
Iteration   0 objective [[ 3.20374053]]
Iteration 1000 objective [[  3.13906829e-05]]
Iteration 2000 objective [[  1.95894699e-05]]
Iteration 3000 objective [[  1.60381564e-05]]
Iteration 4000 objective [[  1.39930673e-05]]
Iteration 5000 objective [[  1.03554970e-05]]

Huh. Those two solutions are nearly indistinguishable. Since we used a neural network, let's hype it up and say we learned the solution to a differential equation! But seriously, note that although we got an "analytical" solution, we should only rely on it in the region we trained the solution on. You can see the solution above is not that good past t=10, even perhaps going negative (which is not even physically correct). That is a reminder that the function we have for the solution is not the same as the analytical solution, it just approximates it really well over the region we solved over. Of course, you can expand that region to the region you care about, but the main point is don't rely on the solution outside where you know it is good.

This idea isn't new. There are several papers in the literature on using neural networks to solve differential equations, e.g. and, and other blog posts that are similar (, even using autograd). That means to me that there is some merit to continuing to investigate this approach to solving differential equations.

There are some interesting challenges for engineers to consider with this approach though. When is the solution accurate enough? How reliable are derivatives of the solution? What network architecture is appropriate or best? How do you know how good the solution is? Is it possible to build in solution features, e.g. asymptotes, or constraints on derivatives, or that the solution should be monotonic, etc. These would help us trust the solutions not to do weird things, and to extrapolate more reliably.

Copyright (C) 2017 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 9.1.2

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Solving BVPs with a neural network and autograd

| categories: autograd, bvp | tags:

In this post we solved a boundary value problem by discretizing it, and approximating the derivatives by finite differences. Here I explore using a neural network to approximate the unknown function, autograd to get the required derivatives, and using autograd to train the neural network to satisfy the differential equations. We will look at the Blasius equation again.

\begin{eqnarray} f''' + \frac{1}{2} f f'' &=& 0 \\ f(0) &=& 0 \\ f'(0) &=& 0 \\ f'(\infty) &=& 1 \end{eqnarray}

Here I setup a simple neural network

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad
import autograd.numpy.random as npr
from autograd.misc.optimizers import adam

def init_random_params(scale, layer_sizes, rs=npr.RandomState(0)):
    """Build a list of (weights, biases) tuples, one for each layer."""
    return [(rs.randn(insize, outsize) * scale,   # weight matrix
             rs.randn(outsize) * scale)           # bias vector
            for insize, outsize in zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:])]

def swish(x):
    return x / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))

def f(params, inputs):
    "Neural network functions"
    for W, b in params:
        outputs =, W) + b
        inputs = swish(outputs)    
    return outputs

# Here is our initial guess of params:
params = init_random_params(0.1, layer_sizes=[1, 8, 1])

# Derivatives
fp = elementwise_grad(f, 1)
fpp = elementwise_grad(fp, 1)
fppp = elementwise_grad(fpp, 1)

eta = np.linspace(0, 6).reshape((-1, 1))

# This is the function we seek to minimize
def objective(params, step):
    # These should all be zero at the solution
    # f''' + 0.5 f'' f = 0
    zeq = fppp(params, eta) + 0.5 * f(params, eta) * fpp(params, eta) 
    bc0 = f(params, 0.0)  # equal to zero at solution
    bc1 = fp(params, 0.0)  # equal to zero at solution
    bc2 = fp(params, 6.0) - 1.0 # this is the one at "infinity"
    return np.mean(zeq**2) + bc0**2 + bc1**2 + bc2**2

def callback(params, step, g):
    if step % 1000 == 0:
        print("Iteration {0:3d} objective {1}".format(step,
                                                      objective(params, step)))

params = adam(grad(objective), params,
              step_size=0.001, num_iters=10000, callback=callback) 

print('f(0) = {}'.format(f(params, 0.0)))
print('fp(0) = {}'.format(fp(params, 0.0)))
print('fp(6) = {}'.format(fp(params, 6.0)))
print('fpp(0) = {}'.format(fpp(params, 0.0)))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(eta, f(params, eta))
plt.xlim([0, 6])
plt.ylim([0, 4.5])

Iteration 0 objective 1.11472535 Iteration 1000 objective 0.00049768 Iteration 2000 objective 0.0004579 Iteration 3000 objective 0.00041697 Iteration 4000 objective 0.00037408 Iteration 5000 objective 0.00033705 Iteration 6000 objective 0.00031016 Iteration 7000 objective 0.00029197 Iteration 8000 objective 0.00027585 Iteration 9000 objective 0.00024616 f(0) = -0.00014613 fp(0) = 0.0003518041251639459 fp(6) = 0.999518061473252 fpp(0) = 0.3263370503702663

I think it is worth discussing what we accomplished here. You can see we have arrived at an approximate solution to our differential equation and the boundary conditions. The boundary conditions seem pretty closely met, and the figure is approximately the same as the previous post. Even better, our solution is an actual function and not a numeric solution that has to be interpolated. We can evaluate it any where we want, including its derivatives!

We did not, however, have to convert the ODE into a system of first-order differential equations, and we did not have to approximate the derivatives with finite differences.

Note, however, that with finite differences we got f''(0)=0.3325. This site reports f''(0)=0.3321. We get close to that here with f''(0) = 0.3263. We could probably get closer to this with more training to reduce the objective function further, or with a finer grid. It is evident that even after 9000 steps, it is still decreasing. Getting accurate derivatives is a stringent test for this, as they are measures of the function curvature.

It is hard to tell how broadly useful this is; I have not tried it beyond this example. In the past, I have found solving BVPs to be pretty sensitive to the initial guesses of the solution. Here we made almost no guess at all, and still got a solution. I find that pretty remarkable.

Copyright (C) 2017 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

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Org-mode version = 9.1.2

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