New publication in AICHE J.

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This paper uses a kernel regression method trained on a large set of DFT calculations from the Materials Project to design new materials. A notable feature of this approach is it opens the door to inverse design, since the mathematical form of the regression is accessible. In the paper we predict electronic properties and elastic constants for a large number of metal oxides. Congratulations Bruno for this work!

See the paper here:

@article {AIC:AIC15251,
  author =       {Calfa, Bruno A. and Kitchin, John R.},
  title =        {Property prediction of crystalline solids from composition and
                  crystal structure},
  journal =      {AIChE Journal},
  issn =         {1547-5905},
  url =          {},
  doi =          {10.1002/aic.15251},
  pages =        {n/a--n/a},
  keywords =     {crystal property prediction, data analytics, kernel
                  regression, crystal composition and structure, exhaustive
                  enumeration algorithm},
  year =         {2016},

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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New publication in International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

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It is well known that DFT calculations are expensive, which limits the size of the calculations that can be performed, the number of them that can be performed, and their use in simulation methods such as molecular dynamics. Molecular potentials are more suitable for these types of simulations, but they must be parameterized by some means. In this paper, we use a database of DFT calculations to train ReaxFF and a neural network potential. We compare and contrast these potentials with respect to their accuracy, trainability, and speed of calculation with application to properties of Au bulk, cluster and surface properties. There are clear tradeoffs with these two approaches, but both have advantages for different purposes. Congratulations Jake and Mitch! See the paper here: .

@article {boes-2016-neural-reaxf,
  author =       {Boes, Jacob R. and Groenenboom, Mitchell C. and Keith, John A.
                  and Kitchin, John R.},
  title =        {Neural network and ReaxFF comparison for Au properties},
  journal =      {International Journal of Quantum Chemistry},
  issn =         {1097-461X},
  url =          {},
  doi =          {10.1002/qua.25115},
  pages =        {n/a--n/a},
  keywords =     {Kohn-Sham density functional theory, neural networks, reactive
                  force fields, potential energy surfaces, machine learning},
  year =         2016,

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Zhongnan Xu successfully defended his PhD

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Zhongnan successfully defended his PhD dissertation yesterday!

Title: Towards Accurate Predictions and Mechanistic Understanding of the Catalytic Activity of Transition Metal Oxides.

Committee Members: Professor John Kitchin (chair), Professor Andrew Gellman, Professor Erik Ydstie, Professor Paul Salvador


Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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2015 in a nutshell for the Kitchin Research Group

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2015 was a busy, productive year for the Kitchin Research group. Here are a few of the highlights!

1 org-ref made it to Melpa

At long last org-ref has made it onto Melpa ! This makes it easy to install for many people. There are (as of this writing) 17 contributors to org-ref, with 677 commits to the repo . Thanks everyone who has reported issues, feature requests, etc. With your help we will make this the best way to write technical papers there is!

2 Student accomplishments

Congratulations to these students who completed their degrees! They do a lot of the hard work in the group, so also, many thanks to them!

Matt Curnan completed his PhD.

Siddharth Deshpande, Hari Thirumalai, Zhaofeng Chen, John Michael and Mehak Chawla completed their M.S. degrees.

Hari will be joining Lars Grabow at the University of Houston for a PhD program.

Nitish Govindarajan (MS 2014) will be leaving Bloom Energy to join the Van't Hoff Institute of Molecular Science (University of Amsterdam) to work on his PhD with funding from the Shell-Computational Sciences for Energy Research program.

Wenqin You (MS 2014) joined the PhD program in the Chemical Engineering Department at Georgia Tech.

John Michael has accepted a position with Eastern Research Group.

We already miss everyone who is leaving. Luckily, six new MS students are joining the group! Welcome to Chen Wang, Akshay Tharval, Teng Ma, Feiyang Geng, Devon Walker, and Tianyu Gao. We will also welcome a new PhD student Elif Erdinc who will be joining us in early 2016.

We also welcomed Kenate Nemera as a visiting Fulbright Scholar from Ethiopia to our group this past year.

3 Publications

We had a great year in publications. We have 5 out for review now, so next year will probably be good too!

Here are this year's papers. These were all written in org-mode!

Metal oxide papers

Oxygen evolution electrocatalysis:

Data sharing papers:

Alloy catalysis/surface science papers:

CO2 capture:

These were collaborative papers, they were not written in org-mode.


Our citation count has continued to rise!

Figure 1: Citation metrics for the Kitchin Research group.

This remarkable paper norskov-2004-origin has a total number of citations that exceeded 1000 this past year!

4 Social media

We had about 94 blog posts this past year. Traffic to our blog did not grow much this year, but it is a little higher than last year.

Figure 2: Web traffic to for 2015.

5 Outlook for 2016

I am planning to continue promoting Emacs + org-mode for technical writing. org-ref is pretty good, and I expect to do mostly do some polishing on it. I will probably try to formalize ox-manuscript, which we use to create our scientific manuscripts. I will also try to formalize org-citeproc, which will let us use citations in non-LaTeX exports.

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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