A checkbox list in org-mode with one value

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A while ago I had a need for a checklist in org-mode where only one value would be checked at a time. Like a radio button in a browser form. That isn't as far as I know a feature yet, but it was not hard to achieve thanks to the org-element api. My simple idea is to make a function that will be added to the org-checkbox-statistics-hook. The function will uncheck all the boxes, and recheck the one you just clicked with a hybrid of manipulating the cursor and inserting characters with org-element code. We will use an attribute on the checklist to indicate it is a "radio" list. This seems like a feature that might already exist, but I couldn't find it.

Here is the code we run. First, we make sure we are on a plain list that has an attr_org property of ":radio", that way this won't apply to all lists, just the radio lists. Then, we loop through each element in the structure, and if it is checked, we replace [X] with [ ]. Then, we reinsert the X and delete a space, which puts [X] where we originally clicked, or used C-c C-c. Finally, we add it to the hook, so it only gets run when a checkbox is changed via clicking with org-mouse, or C-c C-c. Of course, this doesn't work if you type X in the box.

(require 'dash)
(defun check-hook-fn ()
  (when (-contains? (org-element-property
                     (org-element-property :parent (org-element-context)))
      (loop for el in (org-element-property :structure (org-element-context))
            (goto-char (car el))
            (when (re-search-forward "\\[X\\]" (line-end-position) t)
              (replace-match "[ ]"))))
    (insert "X")
    (delete-char 1)))

(add-hook 'org-checkbox-statistics-hook 'check-hook-fn)

Here is a regular checklist. You can check as many as you want.

  • [X] one
  • [X] two
  • [ ] three

Now, here is a radio checklist. Only one item at a time can be checked. Nice!

  • [ ] a
  • [ ] b
  • [X] c

It is worth noting here that if we put a name on the list, it becomes an addressable data source. First we need this convenient function to get the data associated with a named list.

(defun org-get-plain-list (name)
  "Get the org-element representation of a plain-list with NAME."
  (catch 'found
      (lambda (plain-list)
            (string= name (org-element-property :name plain-list))
          (throw 'found plain-list))))))

Now, let's use that to get the value of the checked item in the "test" list. We define the item as everything after the [X] and get it from a regular expression match.

(defun get-radio-list-value (list-name)
  "Return the value of the checked item in a radio list."
    (loop for el in (org-element-property
                     (org-get-plain-list list-name))
          if (string= (nth 4 el) "[X]")
          return (progn
                   (let ((item (buffer-substring (car el) (car (last el)))))
                     (string-match "\\[X\\]\\(.*\\)$" item)
                     (match-string 1 item))))))

(get-radio-list-value "test")

Perfect. This has lots of potential applications. Data collection and quizzes come to mind, with associated ability to autograde and aggregate the data!

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 9.0

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