Integrating swish-e and Emacs

| categories: emacs, orgmode | tags:

swish-e is a software package that indexes files on your computer, and then allows you to search the index. Spotlight on my Mac is not working too well (sometimes not at all), and I want some more flexibility so today we try getting swish-e up and running and integrated with Emacs. I don't know that swish-e is the best tool for this available, but it has been on my radar a long time (probably since 2003 from this article ), and it was easy to setup and use.

I use homebrew, so installation was this simple:

brew install swish-e

To test things out, I will only index org-files. I have these all over the place, and they are not all in my org-mode agenda. So, finding them quickly would be awesome.

# Example configuration file

# Tell Swish-e what to directories to index
IndexDir /Users/jkitchin/Dropbox
IndexDir "/Users/jkitchin/Box Sync"
IndexDir /Users/jkitchin/

# where to save the index
IndexFile /Users/jkitchin/.swish-e/index.swish-e

# What to index
IndexOnly .org

# Tell Swish-e that .txt files are to use the text parser.
IndexContents TXT* .org

# Otherwise, use the HTML parser
DefaultContents HTML*

# Ask libxml2 to report any parsing errors and warnings or
# any UTF-8 to 8859-1 conversion errors
ParserWarnLevel 9

Now, we create our index.

swish-e -c ~/.swish-e/swish.conf
Indexing Data Source: "File-System"
Indexing "/Users/jkitchin/Dropbox"
Indexing "/Users/jkitchin/Box Sync"
Indexing "/Users/jkitchin/"
Removing very common words...
no words removed.
Writing main index...
Sorting words ...
Sorting 130,109 words alphabetically
Writing header ...
Writing index entries ...
  Writing word text: ...
  Writing word text:  10%
  Writing word text:  20%
  Writing word text:  30%
  Writing word text:  40%
  Writing word text:  50%
  Writing word text:  60%
  Writing word text:  70%
  Writing word text:  80%
  Writing word text:  90%
  Writing word text: 100%
  Writing word text: Complete
  Writing word hash: ...
  Writing word hash:  10%
  Writing word hash:  20%
  Writing word hash:  30%
  Writing word hash:  40%
  Writing word hash:  50%
  Writing word hash:  60%
  Writing word hash:  70%
  Writing word hash:  80%
  Writing word hash:  90%
  Writing word hash: 100%
  Writing word hash: Complete
  Writing word data: ...
  Writing word data:   9%
  Writing word data:  19%
  Writing word data:  29%
  Writing word data:  39%
  Writing word data:  49%
  Writing word data:  59%
  Writing word data:  69%
  Writing word data:  79%
  Writing word data:  89%
  Writing word data:  99%
  Writing word data: Complete
130,109 unique words indexed.
Sorting property: swishdocpath                            
Sorting property: swishtitle                              
Sorting property: swishdocsize                            
Sorting property: swishlastmodified                       
4 properties sorted.
3,208 files indexed.  54,104,974 total bytes.  8,038,594 total words.
Elapsed time: 00:00:16 CPU time: 00:00:13
Indexing done!

Now an example search. I have been looking into the Energy frontier research centers, and I want to find my notes on it. Here is a little query. I use a special output format to keep things simple for the parsing later, just the rank and path, separated by a tab.

swish-e -f ~/.swish-e/index.swish-e -x '%r\t%p\n' -w efrc
# SWISH format: 2.4.7
# Search words: efrc
# Removed stopwords:
# Number of hits: 2
# Search time: 0.000 seconds
# Run time: 0.008 seconds
1000	/Users/jkitchin/Dropbox/org-mode/
471	/Users/jkitchin/Dropbox/org-mode/

Now, for the integration with Emacs. We just get that output in a string, split it, and get the parts we want. I think I will use helm to provide a selection buffer to these results. We need a list of cons cells (string . candidate). Then we write an interactive helm function. We provide two sources. One for the initial query, and another to start a new search, in case you don't find what you want.

(defun helm-swish-e-candidates (query)
  "Generate a list of cons cells (swish-e result . path)."
  (let* ((result (shell-command-to-string
                  (format "swish-e -f ~/.swish-e/index.swish-e -x \"%%r\t%%p\n\" -w %s"
                          (shell-quote-argument query))))
         (lines (s-split "\n" result t))
         (candidates '()))
    (loop for line in lines
          unless (or  (s-starts-with? "#" line)
                      (s-starts-with? "." line))
          collect (cons line (cdr (s-split "\t" line))))))

(defun helm-swish-e (query)
  "Run a swish-e query and provide helm selection buffer of the results."
  (interactive "sQuery: ")
  (helm :sources `(((name . ,(format "swish-e: %s" query))
                    (candidates . ,(helm-swish-e-candidates query))
                    (action . (("open" . (lambda (f)
                                           (find-file (car f)))))))
                   ((name . "New search")
                    (action . (("search" . (lambda (f)
                                             (helm-swish-e helm-pattern)))))))))

Now I can run M-x helm-swish-e and enter "efrc AND computing infrastructure" to find org files containing those words, then press enter to find the file. Nice and easy. I have not tested the query syntax very fully, but so far it is working fine!

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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