Before you turn this problem in, make sure everything runs as expected. First, restart the kernel (in the menubar, select Kernel\(\rightarrow\)Restart) and then run all cells (in the menubar, select Cell\(\rightarrow\)Run All).

Make sure you fill in any place that says YOUR CODE HERE or “YOUR ANSWER HERE”, as well as your name and collaborators below:

NAME = ""


Your final project will be a PDF derived from a Jupyter notebook. Your notebook should read like a technical report, with sections to organize the contents, complete sentences, and paragraphs with interspersed code cells and results. The lecture notes are a reasonable model for what I am expecting from you. There is not a hard length; it should be appropriate for your topic, but if your report is longer than 10 pages you are doing something wrong.

Your report will be graded in these areas.


You should explain what your code is doing, the code should follow the style and conventions used in the lecture notes.

Your work should be original. I do not want to see small derivatives of existing work, or copied examples from the internet.


I expect full sentences and paragraphs, with limited typos and grammatical mistakes. If you have used external content for something you should have reference (a URL is fine) to indicate that.

Typical sections

It is typical to see these kinds of sections in your report.

  • Introduction

  • Methods

  • Results

  • Conclusions

When you are done, download a PDF and turn it in on Canvas. Make sure to save your notebook, then run this cell and click on the download link.

%run ~/s24-06642/