Indexing headlines in org files with swish-e with laser-sharp results
Posted July 06, 2015 at 11:04 AM | categories: swishe, emacs, orgmode | tags:
So far, it looks like swish-e is able to do some pretty focused searches on specific content types. However, the return results are not actually that sharp; in the way we have been using swish-e, it can only tell us the document path that matches, not where in the document the match is. To fix that, we need a new approach to what a "document" is, and a new approach to indexing. We will finally use the "-s prog" option in swish-e which runs an external program that prints stuff to stdout for swish-e to index. We will treat each headline in an org file as a "document" but rather than have the path to the file, we will put an org-mode link there that will take us right to the point of interest.
You can see this in action here:
Basically, we need a program to output chunks like this for each headline in an org-file:
Path-Name: [[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1))]] Content-Length: 247 Document-Type: XML* <headline><title>Using the ase database module</title><properties><FILE>/Users/jkitchin/</FILE><BLOCKED></BLOCKED><categories>python, ase</categories><CATEGORY>ase-db</CATEGORY></properties></headline>
Then we need to tell swish-e to run the program and index its output. Here is the program to do that.
:;exec emacs -batch -l $0 "$@" (require 'org) (require 'xml) (require 'cl) (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Dropbox/kitchingroup/jmax/elpa/f-20140828.716") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Dropbox/kitchingroup/jmax/elpa/s-20140910.334") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Dropbox/kitchingroup/jmax/elpa/dash-20141201.2206") (require 'f) (defun print-tag (name attrs &optional closingp) "Print an xml tag with symbol NAME and ATTRS (a cons list of (attribute . value)). if CLOSINGP print the closing tag instead." (format "<%s%s%s>" (if closingp "/" "") name (if (and attrs (not closingp)) (concat " " (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%s=\"%s\"" (car x) (xml-escape-string (cdr x)))) attrs " ")) ""))) (defmacro tag (name attributes &rest body) "macro to create an xml tag with NAME, ATTRIBUTES. BODY is executed in the tag." `(format "%s%s%s" (print-tag ,name ,attributes nil) (concat ,@body) (print-tag ,name nil t))) (defun headline-xml (headline) "Return xml representation of an element HEADLINE." (let ((title (org-element-property :title headline)) (properties (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :begin headline)) (org-entry-properties)))) (tag 'headline () (tag 'title () (xml-escape-string (mapconcat 'identity title " "))) (when properties (tag 'properties () (mapconcat 'identity (loop for (p . v) in properties collect (tag p () (xml-escape-string v))) "")))))) (defun headline-document (headline) "Return the headline \"document\" for swish-e to index." (let ((xml (replace-regexp-in-string "[^[:ascii:]]" "" (headline-xml headline)))) (format "Path-Name: [[elisp:(progn (find-file \"%s\") (goto-char %s) (show-children))][link]] Content-Length: %s Document-Type: XML* %s" (buffer-file-name) (org-element-property :begin headline) (length xml) xml))) (defun process-file (fname) "Print the `headline-document' for each headline in FNAME." (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect fname) (mapconcat 'identity (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline (lambda (headline) (princ (headline-document headline)))) ""))) ;; Here is the main work in the script. (loop for dir in '("/Users/jkitchin/") do (loop for fname in (f-entries dir (lambda (x) (string= "org" (file-name-extension x))) t) do (ignore-errors (princ (process-file fname)))))
Now we need a configuration file:
# Example configuration file # where to save the index IndexFile /Users/jkitchin/ # index all tags for searching UndefinedMetaTags auto UndefinedXMLAttributes auto
And we run the indexer, I did this in an actual shell. For some reason, it was not possible to run here. The output is pretty useful though, as it tells you what MetaNames are searchable.
swish-e -c swish-org-headlines.conf -S prog -i ./swish-org-headlines.el
10:17 $ swish-e -c swish-org-headlines.conf -S prog -i ./swish-org-headlines.el Indexing Data Source: "External-Program" Indexing "./swish-org-headlines.el" External Program found: ./swish-org-headlines.el **Adding automatic MetaName 'headline' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'title' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'properties' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'file' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'blocked' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'categories' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'date' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'updated' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'category' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 18) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'points' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1391) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'tags' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 25) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'alltags' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 25) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'todo' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1733) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'closed' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1733) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'timestamp_ia' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 28) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'id' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 5056) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'custom_id' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1311) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'calculation' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1311) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'volume' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1311) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'total_energy' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1311) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'stress' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1311) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'priority' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 15327) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'export_title' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 506769) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'export_author' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 506769) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'export_file_name' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 506769) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'export_date' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 506769) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'scheduled' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 516502) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'deadline' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 516502) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'votes' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 532031) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'timestamp' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 571125) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'clock' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 21059) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'level' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 46582) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'correct' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 46582) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'permalink' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 61814) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'hint' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 340534) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'answer' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 355206) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'correct-answer' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 377210) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'post_filename' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 415454) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'ordered' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 423900) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'grade' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 2822) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName ':export_file_name:' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 2) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'firstname' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 155) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'lastname' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 155) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'email' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 155) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'affiliation' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 155) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'lettergrade' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 29) (show-children))][link]]' **Adding automatic MetaName 'difficulty' found in file '[[elisp:(progn (find-file "/Users/jkitchin/") (goto-char 1) (show-children))][link]]' Removing very common words... no words removed. Writing main index... Sorting words ... Sorting 6,044 words alphabetically Writing header ... Writing index entries ... Writing word text: Complete Writing word hash: Complete Writing word data: Complete 6,044 unique words indexed. 4 properties sorted. 5,084 files indexed. 1,760,249 total bytes. 368,569 total words. Elapsed time: 00:00:37 CPU time: 00:00:01 Indexing done!
Ok, now for the proof in the approach!
swish-e -f index-org-headlines.swish-e -w headline=generating
1000 link "") (goto-char 1) (show-children))][link]]" 393 1000 link "") (goto-char 158456) (show-children))][link]]" 229 1000 link "") (goto-char 272383) (show-children))][link]]" 400 1000 link "") (goto-char 158456) (show-children))][link]]" 229 1000 link "") (goto-char 448965) (show-children))][link]]" 389 1000 link "") (goto-char 575) (show-children))][link]]" 204 1000 link "") (goto-char 575) (show-children))][link]]" 204 1000 link "") (goto-char 1) (show-children))][link]]" 393 1000 link "") (goto-char 272383) (show-children))][link]]" 400 .
swish-e -f index-org-headlines.swish-e -w todo=TODO
1000 link "") (goto-char 16933) (show-children))][link]]" 342 1000 link "") (goto-char 61231) (show-children))][link]]" 207 1000 link "") (goto-char 60802) (show-children))][link]]" 274 1000 link "") (goto-char 60289) (show-children))][link]]" 207 1000 link "") (goto-char 61568) (show-children))][link]]" 246 1000 link "") (goto-char 61231) (show-children))][link]]" 207 1000 link "") (goto-char 60802) (show-children))][link]]" 274 1000 link "") (goto-char 60289) (show-children))][link]]" 207 1000 link "") (goto-char 632875) (show-children))][link]]" 266 1000 link "") (goto-char 529123) (show-children))][link]]" 202 1000 link "") (goto-char 529087) (show-children))][link]]" 206 1000 link "") (goto-char 518108) (show-children))][link]]" 280 1000 link "") (goto-char 30559) (show-children))][link]]" 337 1000 link "") (goto-char 61568) (show-children))][link]]" 246 .
1 Summary thoughts
This could be super useful for a lot of different elements: headlines, src-blocks, links, tables, paragraphs are the main ones that come to mind. You could have pretty focused searches that go straight to the matches!
Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.
Org-mode version = 8.2.10