Colored text in org-mode with export to HTML

| categories: orgmode, emacs | tags:

Just for fun, I want to put colored text in org-mode using links. This is a simple hack that uses the description in an org-mode link as the text to color, and the path in link to specify the color. I use an overlay to do this because I could not figure out how to change the face foreground color. We provide a simple export to HTML. LaTeX is also doable, but a trickier export as you need to define the colors in the LaTeX header also.

Here is the code to make the color link, and put overlays on them with font-lock.

(require 'ov)

 (lambda (path)
   "No follow action.")
 (lambda (color description backend)
    ((eq backend 'html)
     (let ((rgb (assoc color color-name-rgb-alist))
           r g b)
       (if rgb
             (setq r (* 255 (/ (nth 1 rgb) 65535.0))
                   g (* 255 (/ (nth 2 rgb) 65535.0))
                   b (* 255 (/ (nth 3 rgb) 65535.0)))
             (format "<span style=\"color: rgb(%s,%s,%s)\">%s</span>"
                     (truncate r) (truncate g) (truncate b)
                     (or description color)))
         (format "No Color RGB for %s" color)))))))

(defun next-color-link (limit)
  (when (re-search-forward
         "color:[a-zA-Z]\\{2,\\}" limit t)
    (forward-char -2)
    (let* ((next-link (org-element-context))
           color beg end post-blanks)
      (if next-link
            (setq color (org-element-property :path next-link)
                  beg (org-element-property :begin next-link)
                  end (org-element-property :end next-link)
                  post-blanks (org-element-property :post-blank next-link))
             (list beg
                   (- end post-blanks)))
            (ov-clear beg end 'color)
            (ov beg
                (- end post-blanks)
             'color t
             `((:foreground ,color)))
            (goto-char end))
        (goto-char limit)

    '((next-color-link (0  'org-link t)))

I do not love the use of overlays on this, but it is the only way I could figure out how to do this without creating a face for every single color. Setting the foreground color property on the links did not work.

Now, we use a loop to generate a lot of colored links to check it out. It basically works. I see some overlays pop up in folded headlines sometimes, but I don't mind that too much. Emacs slows down when the screen is full of these links, but it seems fine under normal numbers of links. Since colors are likely to only be for accent, I do not think performance will be a problem. This might be a nice way to add accents to draw attention to some text in org-mode. If you like this, you might can get the code here:

Here is what the text looks like in my buffer.

(loop for color in color-name-rgb-alist
      (princ (format "[[color:%s][Text colored in %s]]\n" (car color) (car color))))

Text colored in snow Text colored in ghostwhite Text colored in whitesmoke Text colored in gainsboro Text colored in floralwhite Text colored in oldlace Text colored in linen Text colored in antiquewhite Text colored in papayawhip Text colored in blanchedalmond Text colored in bisque Text colored in peachpuff Text colored in navajowhite Text colored in moccasin Text colored in cornsilk Text colored in ivory Text colored in lemonchiffon Text colored in seashell Text colored in honeydew Text colored in mintcream Text colored in azure Text colored in aliceblue Text colored in lavender Text colored in lavenderblush Text colored in mistyrose Text colored in white Text colored in black Text colored in darkslategray Text colored in darkslategrey Text colored in dimgray Text colored in dimgrey Text colored in slategray Text colored in slategrey Text colored in lightslategray Text colored in lightslategrey Text colored in gray Text colored in grey Text colored in lightgrey Text colored in lightgray Text colored in midnightblue Text colored in navy Text colored in navyblue Text colored in cornflowerblue Text colored in darkslateblue Text colored in slateblue Text colored in mediumslateblue Text colored in lightslateblue Text colored in mediumblue Text colored in royalblue Text colored in blue Text colored in dodgerblue Text colored in deepskyblue Text colored in skyblue Text colored in lightskyblue Text colored in steelblue Text colored in lightsteelblue Text colored in lightblue Text colored in powderblue Text colored in paleturquoise Text colored in darkturquoise Text colored in mediumturquoise Text colored in turquoise Text colored in cyan Text colored in lightcyan Text colored in cadetblue Text colored in mediumaquamarine Text colored in aquamarine Text colored in darkgreen Text colored in darkolivegreen Text colored in darkseagreen Text colored in seagreen Text colored in mediumseagreen Text colored in lightseagreen Text colored in palegreen Text colored in 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colored in lightcoral Text colored in tomato Text colored in orangered Text colored in red Text colored in hotpink Text colored in deeppink Text colored in pink Text colored in lightpink Text colored in palevioletred Text colored in maroon Text colored in mediumvioletred Text colored in violetred Text colored in magenta Text colored in violet Text colored in plum Text colored in orchid Text colored in mediumorchid Text colored in darkorchid Text colored in darkviolet Text colored in blueviolet Text colored in purple Text colored in mediumpurple Text colored in thistle Text colored in snow1 Text colored in snow2 Text colored in snow3 Text colored in snow4 Text colored in seashell1 Text colored in seashell2 Text colored in seashell3 Text colored in seashell4 Text colored in antiquewhite1 Text colored in antiquewhite2 Text colored in antiquewhite3 Text colored in antiquewhite4 Text colored in bisque1 Text colored in bisque2 Text colored in bisque3 Text colored in bisque4 Text colored in 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Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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org-ref is on Melpa

| categories: orgmode, emacs, orgref | tags:

org-ref is out on Melpa !

Checkout this video (≈ 10 min.) of what it can do:

Here are the files that we used/generated:

  1. Emacs configuration: org-ref-melpa.el
  2. Here is the "manuscript" (note, I extracted the bibtex entries into this file)
  3. The resulting PDF: manuscript.pdf

Some killer new features:

  1. Drag-n-drop a PDF or url onto a bibtex file to add bibtex entries. This works when org-ref knows how to get a DOI from the PDF or url.
  2. Tooltips on cite links

Thanks everyone who has already tried it out and reported bugs!

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Introduction to a citation processor in org-ref

| categories: orgmode, emacs, citations, orgref | tags:

As a potential solution for citations in org-mode for non-LaTeX export, here we introduce csl (citation syntax lisp). The idea is heavily influenced by the xml-based Citation Syntax Language, but uses lisp sexps instead.

Briefly, there is a csl file that contains two variables: citation-style and bibliography-style. The citation-style defines how the in-text citations are represented for different types of citations. The bibliography-style defines how the bibliography is constructed.

What do we gain by this?

  1. No need for external citeproc program, and hackability by org-mode experts.
  2. Punctuation transposition and space chomping, i.e. put superscripts on the right side of punctuation if you want it, and remove whitespace before superscripts if you want it.
  3. Total tunability of the citation format to different backends.
  4. Easy to change bibliography format with the bibliographystyle link.
  5. The use of Bibtex databases. These are plain text, and flexible.

The real code for this is too long to blog about. Instead, you should check it out here:

1 Reference types

  • A book.1
  • An article2
  • A miscellaneous bibtex type.3

There is work to do in supporting other types of entry types that are common in bibtex files.

2 Citation types

  • Regular citation:2
  • citenum: See Ref. 2
  • citeauthor: Kitchin
  • citeyear: 2015

There is work to do in supporting other types of citations.

3 Multiple citations and sorting within citation

You can specify that the cites within a citation are consistently sorted in the export.

  • a,b:2,4
  • b,a:2,4

There is work to do for range collapsing, e.g. to turn 1,2,3 into 1-3.

4 Space chomping and punctuation testing

I think citations should always be put in the sentence they logically belong to. LaTeX has a feature through natbib I think where for some styles, e.g. superscripts, the citations are moved to the right side of punctuation, and whitespace is chomped so the superscript is next to words, not separated by spaces. We can do that here too.

  • Citation at end of sentence.2
  • Citation in clause,2,4 with a comma.
  • Citation in middle of2,4 a sentence.

5 Building

At the moment, you have to add a hook function to put the replacements in the document before parsing.

(add-to-list 'load-path ".")
(require 'org-ref-citeproc)

(when (file-exists-p "readme.html") (delete-file "readme.html"))
(let ((org-export-before-parsing-hook '(orcp-citeproc)))
  (browse-url (org-html-export-to-html)))
#<process open ./readme.html>
(add-hook 'org-export-before-parsing-hook 'orcp-citeproc)

6 Summary thoughts

This looks promising. There is probably a lot of work to do to make this as robust as say citeproc-js or the Zotero handler. I am not sure if we could write this in a way to directly use the CSL. My feeling is it would not be as flexible as this, and we would have to add to it anyway.

Here are some remaining things that could be worked on if we continue this direction.

  1. Other bibtex entries need to be tested out.
  2. Remaining bibtex fields need to be defined.
  3. Standardization of styling that can be done. Not all features described in my csl are supported, e.g. et. al. and probably others.
  4. The author-year style needs name disambiguation somehow.
  5. Hyperlinking in html.
  6. Make sure export to other backends works.
  7. Can this work for notes-based styles?

7 Bibliography

You use a bibliographystyle link to specify a csl. These are similar to bibtex styles, and in some cases no change is needed for LaTeX export (although you may have to remove the citeproc hook function).

  1. Kittel, Charles, Introduction to Solid State Physics, (2005).
  2. Kitchin, John R., Examples of Effective Data Sharing in Scientific Publishing, ACS Catalysis, 5(6), pp. 3894-3899 (2015).
  3. Xu, Zhongnan; Rossmeisl, Jan and Kitchin, John R., Supporting data for: A linear response, {DFT+U} study of trends in the oxygen evolution activity of transition metal rutile dioxides. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12635,
  4. Kitchin, John R., Data Sharing in Surface Science, Surface Science , N/A, pp. in press (2015).

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Post-processing an org-buffer on export

| categories: orgmode, emacs | tags:

In a previous post we examined getting tooltips on emacs keybindings and command syntax in an org-buffer. Someone asked in a comment if we could get that to export to html, or LaTeX. The short answer is not directly, org-mode doesn't recognize our functionalized syntax as an element, and there is no direct way to modify their appearance on export.

There is, however, a hook function that runs before parsing, and we can use that to transform these patterns to what we want. Here, I illustrate how to make the key-bindings and commands bold with a tooltip on them for an html export. Basically, we do an export, and then post-process the html output to put what we want in. I found this easier than pre-processing because the documentation for the command tooltip was too big to fit into an html snippet, and an html block causes carriage returns in the html. I didn't find a more elegant solution to that problem.

Here we replace the key-binding syntax with the actual keybinding in bold, and a tooltip of the command, and the command syntax we replace with bold command and a tooltip for the documentation. It works pretty well. The documentation for helm is pretty extensive, and gets cutoff in the tooltip. Otherwise, this seems pretty satisfactory.

This won't show in the blog post, so you will have to checkout the exported html here: blog.html .

Try \C-x C-f to open a file. You might enjoy using helm too. Or this variable org-agenda-files.

(require 'rx)

(defvar elisp-symbol-keybinding-re
   ;; opening \\[
   (eval "\\[")
   ;; one or more characters that are not ]
   (group (one-or-more (not (any "]"))))
   ;; The closing ]
"Regexp for an elisp command keybinding syntax. \\[some-command]
Regexp group 1 matches src_emacs-lisp[:results html]{(command-html "some-command")}.")

(defun org-process-key-bindings (backend)
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward elisp-symbol-keybinding-re nil t)
      ((eq backend 'html)
       (format "<b title=\"The command is %s.\">%s</b>"
               (match-string 1)
               (substitute-command-keys (match-string 0))))))))

(defun org-process-emacs-commands (backend)
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "`\\([^']+\\)'" nil t)
      ((eq backend 'html)
       (format "<b title=\"%s\">%s</b>"
          (if (or (fboundp (intern (match-string 1)))
                  (boundp (intern (match-string 1))))
              (documentation (intern (match-string 1)))
            "No command found.")
          (match-string 1)))))))

(with-current-buffer (org-html-export-as-html)
  (org-process-key-bindings 'html)
  (org-process-emacs-commands 'html)
  (write-file "blog.html")
  (browse-url "blog.html"))

1 Update: A filter approach to exporting

Our patterns are all in org-paragraphs. We can use a filter to modify the paragraph after it is "transcoded". Here is the filter function. It basically does the same thing, through another mechanism.

(defun my-paragraph-filter (data backend info)
   ((eq 'html backend)
    ;; emacs commands
    (setq data (replace-regexp-in-string
                (lambda (x)
                  (string-match "`\\([^']+\\)'" x)
                  (when (match-string 1 x)
                    (format "<b title=\"%s\">%s</b>"
                            (if (or (fboundp (intern (match-string 1 x)))
                                    (boundp (intern (match-string 1 x))))
                                (documentation (intern (match-string 1 x)))
                              "No command found.")
                            (match-string 1 x))))
    ;; keybindings
    (setq data (replace-regexp-in-string
                (lambda (x)
                  (string-match "\\\\\\[\\([^]]+\\)]" x)
                  (when (fboundp  (intern (match-string-no-properties 1 x)))
                    (format "<b title=\"The command is %s.\">%s</b>"
                            (match-string 1 x)
                            (substitute-command-keys (match-string 0 x)))))

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-paragraph-functions 'my-paragraph-filter)
(browse-url (org-html-export-to-html))
#<process open ./blog.html>

Try the command org-ref to check your document for issues. Insert a citation with org-ref using \M-ESC C.

Now, this should show up in the blog!

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Contextual help in org-mode

| categories: orgmode, emacs | tags:

org-mode is great, plain text and all, but it can be difficult to figure out all the things you can do at any particular place in the buffer. Here, we explore some ideas on making org-mode a bit more discoverable. One way to do this that we explore here is to create a help function that you run, and it tells you about the element that `org-element-context' knows about, then gives you some hints of what you can do there. To do this, we create a series of functions for each kind of element we provide help on.

You may want to see the video:

The kind of help we want is a description of the element, some commands we can run on the element and what they do, and if there are some key-bindings. We also want to make sure if the user has changed the key-bindings, the right values get shown. Finally, it would be nice to allow users to add their own documentation if they want.

So, here is the lengthy block of code we use for this purpose. We create a function for each element type that we provide documentation for. We also provide a mechanism for users to add their own notes for future reference. I leverage the help-buffer here to simplify some functional text, e.g. the key commands and clickable functions, as well as history navigation. I could also do most of that in org-mode buffers, with different functionality, but I save that for another day.

(defvar ore-user-directory "~/.emacs.d/ore/"
  "Directory to store user additions to the notes.")

(defun ore-user-documentation (type)
  "Return user documentation for org element TYPE if it exists.
Notes are returned as plain text, and will be rendered in `help-mode'."
  (let ((fname (expand-file-name (format "" type) ore-user-directory)))
     "User documentation:\n"
     (if (file-exists-p fname)
           (insert "\n")
           (insert-file-contents fname)
           (indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max) 5)
       "None defined.")
     (format  "\n\nEdit [[file:%s]]" fname))))

(defun ore-latex (element)
  "`ore' documentation for latex fragment."
   (substitute-command-keys "You are on a LaTeX fragment or environment.

\\[org-toggle-latex-overlays] or `org-toggle-latex-overlays' to toggle LaTeX images on it.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'latex)))

(defun ore-link (element)
  "`ore' documentation for org links."
  (let* ((link (org-element-context))
         (type (org-element-property :type link))
         (protocols (assoc type org-link-protocols))
         (follow-func (cadr protocols))
         (export-func (caddr protocols)))
      (substitute-command-keys "You are on a %s link.

Link path: %s

Clicking on the link will run `%s'.

This link uses this function for export: `%s'

If you are on an image link, you can toggle it with \\[org-toggle-inline-images] or `org-toggle-inline-images'.

You can toggle the link display with `org-toggle-link-display'.

See Info node `(org) Hyperlinks'.


      (org-element-property :path link)
      (format "Whole link: %s" (buffer-substring
                                (org-element-property :begin link)
                                (org-element-property :end link)))
      (pp-to-string follow-func)
      (pp-to-string export-func)
      (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
      (ore-user-documentation 'link)))))

(defun ore-src-block-header-p (element)
  "Return whether point is in a src-block header."
  (and (eq 'src-block (car element))
         (let ((cp (point))
               (lp (line-number-at-pos)))
           (goto-char (org-element-property :begin element))
           (= lp (line-number-at-pos))))))

(defun ore-src-block-header (element)
  "`ore' documentation for src-block header."
   "You are in a src-block header.

This line tells org-mode that
it is a src-block, and language of the src-block. There are
also optional header arguments. See Info node `(org) Header arguments'

   (format "The default headers are described here: `org-babel-default-header-args:%s'

" (org-element-property :language element))
   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'src-block-header)))

(defun ore-src-block (element)
  "`ore' documentation for a src-block."
   (substitute-command-keys "You are in a src-block.

C-c C-c to execute this block.
\\[org-babel-tangle]  org-babel-tangle

You can edit the block with \\[org-edit-special] or `org-edit-special'.

See Info node `(org) Working with source code' for more details.\n\n")
   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'src-block)))

(defun ore-headline (element)
  "`ore' documentation for a headline."
   (when (bolp)
     (format  "You are at the beginning of a headline.

\\[org-cycle] to cycle Info node `(org) Global and local cycling'.

Check `org-use-speed-commands'\n\n"))

   ;; in a headline
    "You are in a headline. You can change:

 Visibility with \\[org-cycle]

 TODO state \\[org-shiftleft] and \\[org-shiftright] or

 Your current todo sets can be found in `org-todo-sets'.

 Priority \\[org-shiftup] (`org-priority-up') and
 \\[org-shiftdown] (`org-priority-down')

 Tags  \\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c] or `org-set-tags'

 Set a property with \\[org-set-property] `org-set-property'.

 Delete a property with \\[org-delete-property] or `org-delete-property'.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'headline)))

;; timestamp
(defun ore-timestamp (element)
  "`ore' documentation for timestamps."
   (substitute-command-keys "You are on a timestamp.

If you click on it, you will see the date in the agenda. With the
cursor on the <> or [] \\[org-shiftup] and \\[org-shiftdown] will
switch from active to inactive timestamps.

You can change the date by putting the cursor on a date part and
using \\[org-shiftup] and \\[org-shiftdown] or \\[org-shiftleft]
and \\[org-shiftright]

See Info node `(org) Dates and times'.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'timestamp)))

;; table table-row table-cell
(defun ore-table (element)
  "`ore' documentation for tables."
   "You are in a table.

Move cell to cell with [TAB]. When you are in the last cell, TAB adds a new row.

Move rows up and down with \\[org-metaup] and \\[org-metadown].
Move columns left and right with \\[org-metaleft] and \\[org-metaright].

Sort a column with \\[org-sort] `org-sort'.

Insert a row with `org-table-insert-row'.
Delete a row with `org-table-kill-row'.

Insert a column with `org-table-insert-column'.
Delete a column with `org-table-delete-column'.

`C-c -     (`org-table-insert-hline')'
     Insert a horizontal line below current row.  With a prefix
     argument, the line is created above the current line.

`C-c <RET>     (`org-table-hline-and-move')'
     Insert a horizontal line below current row, and move the cursor
     into the row below that line.

You can transpose a table with `org-table-transpose-table-at-point'.

Info node `(org) Tables'.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'table)))

(defun ore-plain-list (element)
  "`ore' doucmentation for plain lists."
    "You are on a plain list.
See Info node `(org) Plain lists'.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'plain-list)))

(defun ore-item (element)
  "`ore' documentation for items in a list"
    "You are on an item in a list.

You can move items up and down with \\[org-metaup] or `org-metaup' and \\[org-meta-down] or `org-metadown'.

You can add a new item with \\[org-meta-return] or `org-meta-return'.

You can change the indentation of an item with  \\[org-metaleft] or `org-metaleft' and \\[org-meta-right] or `org-meta-right'.

You can change the bullet of the item with  \\[org-shiftleft] or `org-shiftleft' and \\[org-shiftright] or `org-shiftright'.

See Info node `(org) Plain lists' for other things like sorting, cycling, checkboxes, etc...

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'item)))

(defun ore-keyword (element)
  "`ore' documentation for a keyword."
    "You are on a keyword.

You may need to run \\[org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c] or `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' to refresh its value if you change it.

You can move keywords up and down with \\[org-metaup] or `org-metaup' and \\[org-metadown] or `org-metadown'.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'keyword)))

(defun ore-paragraph (element)
  "`ore' documentation for a paragraph."
    "You are in a paragraph.

You can move a paragraph up with \\[org-metaup] or `org-metaup'.

You can move a paragraph up with \\[org-metadown] or `org-metadown'.

You can mark the paragraph with `mark-paragraph'.

   (format  "\nClick for details on the face [[face:%s]]\n" (face-at-point))
   (ore-user-documentation 'paragraph)))

(defun ore ()
  "Help function for the org-mode element at point."
    (let* ((oeap (org-element-context))
           (ore-func (intern (format "ore-%s" (car oeap))))
           (s (if (fboundp ore-func)
                  (funcall ore-func oeap)
                 "No documentation found for %s.

                 (car oeap)
                 (ore-user-documentation (car oeap))))))
      ;; There are some special cases.
       ((and  (eq 'src-block (car oeap))
              (ore-src-block-header-p oeap))
        (setq s (ore-src-block-header oeap)))

       ((or (eq 'table (car oeap))
            (eq 'table-row (car oeap))
            (eq 'table-cell (car oeap)))
        (setq s (ore-table oeap)))

       ((or (eq 'latex-fragment (car oeap))
            (eq 'latex-environment (car oeap)))
        (setq s (ore-latex oeap))))

      (princ s)
      (princ "\n\nHere is how org-mode sees the element.\n\n")
      (pp oeap))))

(defun match-next-ore-file (&optional limit)
  "Font-lock function to make file links clickable in help-mode."
  (when  (re-search-forward "\\[\\[file:\\([^]]*\\)\\]\\]" limit t)
    (let* ((fname (expand-file-name
                   (match-string 1)
           (beg (match-beginning 0))
           (end (match-end 0))
           (find-func `(lambda ()
                         (find-file ,fname))))

         display "User documentation"
         local-map ,(let ((map (copy-keymap help-mode-map)))
                      (define-key map [mouse-1] find-func)
         help-echo (format
                    "Click to edit User documentation.\n%s"

(defun match-next-ore-face (&optional limit)
  "Font-lock function to make face links clickable in help-mode."
  (when  (re-search-forward "\\[\\[face:\\([^]]*\\)\\]\\]" limit t)
    (let* ((face (match-string 1))
           (beg (match-beginning 0))
           (end (match-end 0))
           (func `(lambda ()
                    (describe-face ,face))))

         local-map ,(let ((map (copy-keymap help-mode-map)))
                      (define-key map [mouse-1] func)
         display ,face
         help-echo (format
                    "Click to show face information.\n%s"

(add-hook 'help-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
             '((match-next-ore-file . font-lock-keyword-face)
               (match-next-ore-face . font-lock-keyword-face)))))

;; Let's add to the org menu for "Help at point"
 '(["Help at point" ore])

xu-suppor \(e^x\)

1 TODO elements

a b
3 4

list (plain/numbered)

  • add element
    • move elements (up/down indent/outdent)
  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3


  • [ ] check it

org#External links



\(latex fragment\)

\begin{equation} 2-3 \end{equation}
(+ 3 4 5)

<2015-10-18 Sun> [2015-10-18 Sun]

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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