org-mode + Python + git in a graduate engineering course

| categories: orgmode, education | tags:

The Fall 2014 semester is over! I thought I would summarize here what we did. I taught a Master's course in Chemical Reaction Engineering for the second time. This time we had 58 students from around the world. What is remarkable about this course is that this time it was taught completely from Emacs. Every lecture was given from Emacs, every assignment completed in Emacs, turned in from Emacs, graded in Emacs, returned in Emacs.

Students came to class, opened Emacs, and ran a command that downloaded the latest syllabus and opened it. They opened the day's lecture notes from a link in the syllabus. I lectured from the notes in Emacs, editing them on the screen live, running Python code to illustrate engineering concepts. Students did exercises in class in Emacs, and ran an Emacs command to "turn it in" which pushed their work to a git server. Later, I ran an Emacs command to collect and grade the work, then return it. Students could run a menu command in Emacs to see their grade report.

Techela provided a menu of commands to turn in assignments, check grade reports, send me feedback, open the syllabus, etc… The notes were written in org-mode, and we used org-latex-fragments to see the equations. We used code-blocks to show Python examples of problem solving, every day in class. It was awesome!

The way this worked is that most of my students got laptops as part of the MS program they enrolled in. I had my jmax repo installed on those computers, along with git, TexLive and Canopy Python. jmax provided a starter-kit for emacs that gave it the functionality I use on a regular basis. In jmax, I created a package of code I call techela, which interfaces Emacs with git, and which provides commands to download and turn in assignments, and to control permissions on each repo. This enabled me to change repos to read-only after they were due, and to grant read access when I wanted students to see them. About 15% of the class had their own computer, and we had to help them get this software installed. This got done in the first week of class, thanks to the help of my teaching assistants.

I ran a gitolite server that served the course materials, and a repo for each assignment for each student. When students first ran techela, it created a set of ssh keys which were used to authenticate each student in the gitolite server. Techela automates creation of the repos, and the permissions on each repo. Grading of assignments was done in Emacs. Every assignment turned in was an org-file, and we stored grades in the assignments as file tags. Techela constructed a dynamic gradebook on demand, among other things.

Org-mode played a central role in the success of this course! It enabled the distribution of the notes in a readable, functional form. The programmable aspects of org-mode made it possible to create custom links for machine-gradable multiple choice questions, assignments, and solutions. It made it possible to use the assignments as a data storage source for grades, and later to pull the grades out for analysis.

Overall, the experience was just awesome. Techela has a few edges that need smoothed out, but I look forward to using it again this spring, this time on a course on Molecular Simulation!

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Selective auto-capitalization in org-buffers

| categories: orgmode, emacs | tags:

I have been using auto-capitalize.el for a short time to automatically capitalize the beginning of sentences. I mostly like what it does, but in org-mode I tend to write short code blocks while still in org-mode, and it is pretty irritating for auto-capitalize to "fix" the capitalization of your code. Of course, I can type C-c ' to edit the block in its native mode, but I do not always want to do that.

Below, I illustrate an approach to turn off auto-capitalize-mode when the cursor is inside a code-block. Basically, we write a function that checks if you are in a src-block, and if auto-capitalize is on, turn it off. If you are not in the code-block, we turn auto-capitalize on if it is not on. Then we hook the function into post-command-hook, which will run it after every emacs command, including cursor movements.

Here is that code:

(defun dwiw-auto-capitalize ()
  (if (org-in-block-p '("src"))
      (when auto-capitalize
        (auto-capitalize-mode -1))
    (unless auto-capitalize
      (auto-capitalize-mode 1))))

(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'dwiw-auto-capitalize)

It works! Now the minor mode turns on and off depending on where the cursor is in my org document.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.7c

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Accessing web of science entry, citing and related articles from a doi in emacs

| categories: orgmode, emacs, org-ref | tags:

I have been investigating how to more deeply integrate online resources, scientific bibliographies and writing in Emacs. One feature I have been wanting is integration with Web Of Science , especially to find citing and related articles from a DOI. This service is not free, but is available at many places where science is done. I came across this API to make links to the things I am interested in here. Based on that document, here are three links based on a 10.1021/jp047349j that take you to different Web Of Science (WOS) pages.

  1. go to article in WOS:
  2. citing articles:
  3. related articles:

These are pretty easy to construct, so we can write functions that will create them and open the url in our browser. There are some other options that could be considered, but since we usually have a doi, it seems like the best way to go for creating the links. Here are the functions.

(defun doi-utils-wos (doi)
  "Open Web of Science entry for DOI"
  (interactive "sDOI: ")
    "" doi)))

(defun doi-utils-wos-citing (doi)
  "Open Web of Science citing articles entry. May be empty if none are found"
  (interactive "sDOI: ")

(defun doi-utils-wos-related (doi)
  "Open Web of Science related articles page."
  (interactive "sDOI: ")
   (concat ""

These are exciting because they could be integrated into org-ref or doi-utils to make citations in an org-document even more functional! There are some other interesting things here about Scopus and issues with ISI that I note for reference to future me.

Some of these are now included in jmax-bibtex.el and .

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.7c

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Editing org-mode python source blocks in an external editor (Canopy)

| categories: orgmode, python | tags:

Continuing on the last post about leveraging org-mode and python syntax checkers, here we consider using (heresy alert…) an external editor for Python src blocks in org-mode. Why would we consider such insanity? Because, for beginners, environments such as Canopy are (IMHO) easier to use, and better than anything I have used in Emacs. And, I still want the framework of org-mode for content, just a better Python code writing environment.

This problem has some interesting challenges. I would like a command that opens a code block with its contents in the Canopy editor, or that creates a code block if needed. We need to figure out that context based on the cursor position. We will use the same temporary file strategy as used before, so Canopy has something to read and save to. We need to wait for Canopy to finish, which will be tricky because it returns as soon as you run it. Finally, I want the code block to run after it is put back in the org-file, so that the results are captured.

This code block implements the idea, and the comments in the code explain what each section is doing.

(defun edit-in-canopy ()
  (let* ((eop (org-element-at-point))
         ;; use current directory for temp file so relative paths work
         (temporary-file-directory ".")

    ;; create a tempfile. 
    (setq tempfile (make-temp-file "canopy" nil ".py"))

    ;; figure out what to do
        ;; in an existing source block. we want to edit it.
        (and (eq 'src-block (car eop))
             (string= "python" (org-element-property :language eop)))
      ;; put code into tempfile
      (with-temp-file tempfile
        (insert (org-element-property :value eop))))

    ;; open tempfile in canopy
    (shell-command (concat "canopy " tempfile))
    (sleep-for 2) ;; startup time. canopy is slow to showup in
                  ;; ps. This gives it some time to do that. Canopy
                  ;; returns right away, so we sleep while there is
                  ;; evidence that it is open. We get that evidence
                  ;; from ps by searching for, which
                  ;; seems to exist in the output while Canopy is
                  ;; open.
        (string-match "canopy\.app\.main"
                      (shell-command-to-string "ps aux"))
      ;; pause a while, then check again.
      (sleep-for 1))

    ;; Canopy has closed, so we get the new script contents
    (let ((new-contents (with-temp-buffer
                          (insert-file-contents tempfile)
       ;; replace existing code block contents
       ((and (eq 'src-block (car eop))
             (string= "python" (org-element-property :language eop)))
        (goto-char (org-element-property :begin eop))
        (search-forward (org-element-property :value eop))
        (replace-match (concat new-contents "\n")))
       ;; create new code block
         (format "\n#+BEGIN_SRC python
" new-contents))
        ;; go into new block so we can run it.
        (previous-line 2))))

    ;; delete the tempfile so they do not accumulate
    (delete-file tempfile)
    ;; and run the new block to get the results

That seems to work. It is difficult to tell from this post the function works as advertised. You can see it in action here: .

from scipy.integrate import odeint

def dydx(y, x):
    k = 1
    return -k * y

print odeint(dydx, 1, [0, 1])

import numpy as np
print np.exp(-1)
[[ 1.        ]
 [ 0.36787947]]

We created this code block externally.

print 'hello'

1 Summary thoughts

Opening Canopy is a little slow (and that is coming from someone who opens Emacs ;). But, once it is open it is pretty nice for writing code, with the interactive Ipython console, and integrated help. Yes, it is probably possible to get Emacs to do that too, and maybe it will do that one day. Canopy does it today.

Unfortunately, this code will not work on Windows, most likely, since it relies on the ps program. There does seem to be a tasklist function in Windows that is similar, but it seems that Canopy runs as pythonw in that function, which is not very specific.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.7c

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Improved debugging of Python code blocks in org-mode

| categories: orgmode, python | tags:

Writing and running code blocks in org-mode is awesome, when it works. I find as the code blocks get past a certain size though, it can be tedious to debug, especially for new users. Since I am teaching 59 students to use Python in org-mode, I see this issue a lot! They lack experience to avoid many simple errors, and to find and fix them. Even in my hands, I do not always want to be switching to Python mode to run and debug blocks.

org-mode src-blocks offer a unique challenge for the usual tools like pylint and pychecker, because the code does not exist in a file. In this post, I will explore developing some functions that do syntax checking on a src block. We will use a simple method which will write the block to a temporary file, and to the checking on that block. Then, we will create temporary buffers with the output.

Here is the first idea. We create a temp file in the working directory, write the code to it, and run pychecker, pyflakes and pep8 on the file.

(defun org-pychecker ()
  "Run pychecker on a source block"
  (let ((eop (org-element-at-point))
        (temporary-file-directory ".")
    (when (and (eq 'src-block (car eop))
               (string= "python" (org-element-property :language eop)))
      (setq tempfile (make-temp-file "pychecker" nil ".py"))
      ;; create code file
      (with-temp-file tempfile
        (insert (org-element-property :value eop)))
      (switch-to-buffer "*pychecker*")
      (insert "pychecker\n=================\n")
       (shell-command-to-string (format "pychecker %s" (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))))
      (insert "\npyflakes\n=================\n")
       (shell-command-to-string (format "pyflakes %s" (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))))
      (insert "\npep8\n=================\n")
       (shell-command-to-string (format "pep8 %s" (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))))
      (delete-file tempfile))))

Here is a sample code block with some errors in it.

a = 5  # a variable we do not use

def f(x, y):  # unused argument
    return x - b # undefined variable

print 6 * c

On the code block above, that function leads to this output.

Processing module pychecker63858xo0 (
  Caught exception importing module pychecker63858xo0:
    File "/Users/jkitchin/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pychecker/", line 540, in setupMainCode()
      module = imp.load_module(self.moduleName, handle, filename, smt)
    File "", line 7, in <module>()
      print 6 * c
  NameError: name 'c' is not defined



================= undefined name 'b' undefined name 'c'

================= E261 at least two spaces before inline comment

That is pretty helpful, but it gives us line numbers we cannot directly access in our code block. We can open the code block in Python mode, and then navigate to them, but that is likely to make the buffer with this information disappear. It would be better if we could just click on a link and go to the right place. Let us explore what we need for that.

We need to parse the output to get the line numbers, and then we can construct org-links to those places in the src block. pyflakes, pep8 and pylint look like the easiest to get. A way to get to the line would be a lisp function that moves to the beginning of the code block, and then moves forward n lines. We will use a regular expression on each line of the output of pyflakes and pep8 to get the line number. We will construct an org-link to go to the source block at the line.

In this long code block, we create a function that will run pyflakes, pep8 and pylint, and create a new buffer with links to the issues it finds. Finally, we apply this as advice on executing org-babel-execute:python so it only runs when we execute a python block in org-mode. This is a long block, because I have made it pretty feature complete.

(defun org-py-check ()
  "Run python check programs on a source block.
Opens a buffer with links to what is found."
  (let ((eop (org-element-at-point))
        (temporary-file-directory ".")
        (cb (current-buffer))
        (n) ; for line number
        (content) ; error on line
        (pb "*org pycheck*")
        (pyflakes-status nil)

    (unless (executable-find "pyflakes")
      (error "pyflakes is not installed."))
    (unless (executable-find "pep8")
      (error "pep8 not installed"))

    (unless (executable-find "pylint")
      (error "pylint not installed"))

    ;; rm buffer if it exists
    (when (get-buffer pb) (kill-buffer pb))
    ;; only run if in a python code-block
    (when (and (eq 'src-block (car eop))
               (string= "python" (org-element-property :language eop)))

      ;; tempfile for the code
      (setq tempfile (make-temp-file "pychecker" nil ".py"))
      ;; create code file
      (with-temp-file tempfile
        (insert (org-element-property :value eop)))
      (let ((status (shell-command
                     (format "pyflakes %s" (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))))
            (output (delete "" (split-string
                                (with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
                                  (buffer-string)) "\n"))))
        (setq pyflakes-status status)
        (kill-buffer "*Shell Command Output*")
        (when output
          (set-buffer (get-buffer-create pb))
          (insert (format "\n* pyflakes output (status=%s)
pyflakes checks your code for errors. You should probably fix all of these.

" status))
          (dolist (line output)
            ;; get the line number
                (string-match (format "^%s:\\([0-9]*\\):\\(.*\\)"
                                      (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))
                  (setq n (match-string 1 line))
                  (setq content (match-string 2 line))
                  (setq link (format "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer-other-window \"%s\")(goto-char %s)(forward-line %s))][%s]]\n"
                                     (org-element-property :begin eop)
                                     (format "Line %s: %s" n content))))
              ;; no match, just insert line
              (setq link (concat line "\n")))
            (insert link))))

      (let ((status (shell-command
                     (format "pep8 %s" (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))))
            (output (delete "" (split-string
                                (with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
                                  (buffer-string)) "\n"))))
        (kill-buffer "*Shell Command Output*")
        (when output
          (set-buffer (get-buffer-create pb))
          (insert (format "\n\n* pep8 output (status = %s)\n" status))
          (insert "pep8 is the [[][officially recommended style]] for writing Python code. Fixing these will usually make your code more readable and beautiful. Your code will probably run if you do not fix them, but, it will be ugly.

          (dolist (line output)
            ;; get the line number
                (string-match (format "^%s:\\([0-9]*\\):\\(.*\\)"
                                      (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))
                  (setq n (match-string 1 line))
                  (setq content (match-string 2 line))
                  (setq link (format "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer-other-window \"%s\")(goto-char %s)(forward-line %s))][%s]]\n"
                                     (org-element-property :begin eop)
                                     (format "Line %s: %s" n content))))
              ;; no match, just insert line
              (setq link (concat line "\n")))
            (insert link))))

      ;; pylint
      (let ((status (shell-command
                     (format "pylint -r no %s" (file-name-nondirectory tempfile))))
            (output (delete "" (split-string
                                (with-current-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"
                                  (buffer-string)) "\n"))))
        (kill-buffer "*Shell Command Output*")
        (when output
          (set-buffer (get-buffer-create pb))
          (insert (format "\n\n* pylint (status = %s)\n" status))
          (insert "pylint checks your code for errors, style and convention. It is complementary to pyflakes and pep8, and usually more detailed.


          (dolist (line output)
            ;; pylint gives a line and column number
                (string-match "[A-Z]:\\s-+\\([0-9]*\\),\\s-*\\([0-9]*\\):\\(.*\\)"                            
                (let ((line-number (match-string 1 line))
                      (column-number (match-string 2 line))
                      (content (match-string 3 line)))
                  (setq link (format "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer-other-window \"%s\")(goto-char %s)(forward-line %s)(forward-line 0)(forward-char %s))][%s]]\n"
                                     (org-element-property :begin eop)
              ;; no match, just insert line
              (setq link (concat line "\n")))
            (insert link))))
      (when (get-buffer pb)
        (switch-to-buffer-other-window pb)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (insert "Press q to close the window\n")
        (org-cycle '(64))
        ;; make read-only and press q to quit
        (setq buffer-read-only t)
        (use-local-map (copy-keymap org-mode-map))
        (local-set-key "q" #'(lambda () (interactive) (kill-buffer))))

      (unless (= 0 pyflakes-status)
        (forward-line 4)
        (error "pyflakes exited non-zero. please fix errors"))
      ;; final cleanup and delete file
      (delete-file tempfile)
      (switch-to-buffer-other-window cb))))

(defadvice org-babel-execute:python (before pychecker)

(ad-activate 'org-babel-execute:python)

Now, when I try to run this code block, which has some errors in it:

a = 5  # a variable we do not use

def f(x, y):  # unused argument
    return x - b # undefined

print 6 * c

I get a new buffer with approximately these contents:

Press q to close the window

* pyflakes output (status=1)
pyflakes checks your code for errors. You should probably fix all of these.

Line 5:  undefined name 'b'
Line 7:  undefined name 'c'

* pep8 output (status = 1)
pep8 is the officially recommended style for writing Python code. Fixing these will usually make your code more readable and beautiful. Your code will probably run if you do not fix them, but, it will be ugly.

Line 5: 17: E261 at least two spaces before inline comment

* pylint (status = 22)pylint checks your code for errors, style and convention. It is complementary to pyflakes and pep8, and usually more detailed.

No config file found, using default configuration
************* Module pychecker68224dkX
C:  1, 0: Invalid module name "pychecker68224dkX" (invalid-name)
C:  1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
C:  1, 0: Invalid constant name "a" (invalid-name)
C:  4, 0: Invalid function name "f" (invalid-name)
C:  4, 0: Invalid argument name "x" (invalid-name)
C:  4, 0: Invalid argument name "y" (invalid-name)
C:  4, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
E:  5,15: Undefined variable 'b' (undefined-variable)
W:  4, 9: Unused argument 'y' (unused-argument)
E:  7,10: Undefined variable 'c' (undefined-variable)

Each of those links takes me to either the line, or the position of the error (in the case of pylint)! I have not tested this on more than a handful of code blocks, but it has worked pretty nicely on them so far!

Of course, you must have pyflakes, pep8 and pylint installed. But those are all easily installed with pip as far as I can tell.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.7c

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