Getting graphical feedback as tooltips in Emacs

| categories: emacs | tags:

In a continued exploration of Emacs as a user interface today we consider how to look at alternative representations of text. The long term idea is you might have a link to a datafile, say a Raman spectrum. You could click on the link to open it, perhaps even in analysis software. But, it might be nice to have a thumbnail type image that shows the data in graphical form. That might be sufficient for some purposes to identify which file to open.

You need to see the video to see the tooltips actually working in Emacs:

To illustrate the idea here we will have E1macs display an image when you mouse over some words that represent fruit, specifically grapes, kiwi and strawberry. We have in this directory images of those fruit:


We will use font-lock to add a tooltip to those words that displays the image in the minibuffer. I thought the image would show in the tooltip here, but for some reason it doesn't. Maybe that is ok, since it doesn't clutter the text with big images. Font lock also makes the words stand out a bit so you know there is something there. Here is our tooltip code, and the font-lock-add-keywords that activates it.

(defun image-tooltip (window object position)
    (goto-char position)
    (let* ((img-file (format "%s.png" (thing-at-point 'word)))
           (s (propertize "Look in the minbuffer"
                          'display (create-image (expand-file-name img-file)))))
      (message "%s" s))))

 '(("\\<kiwi\\>\\|\\<grapes\\>\\|strawberry" 0 '(face font-lock-keyword-face
                                                      help-echo image-tooltip))))

Some examples of fruit are the kiwi, the strawberry and grapes. That is a little example to illustrate the concept. Now, imagine something more sophisticated, e.g. a link to a molecular simulation that generates a thumbnail of the atomic geometry, and a summary of the energy. Or a Raman spectrum that shows a thumbnail of the spectrum.

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Modern use of helm - sortable candidates

| categories: emacs, helm | tags:

helm continues to be my goto completion engine. I was perusing the source for helm-top, and noticed some cool new features, like sorting the candidates in the completion buffer! I also noticed that helm sources are preferably created with some new factory functions (as opposed to the a-lists I used to use). Here I explore some of these and illustrate how to make a sortable helm source.

First, we need a function to give us some candidates we will select from. I will use a function that returns a list of cons cells from a variable containing some data where each element in the data is a plist containing a number and key. I list strings as the number and key so we can see what sorting does later. The data is just a list of plists containing a "number" and a key that is a string. We will create a helm function with these as candidates, and an ability to sort them in ascending/descending order on either the number or key.

(setq h-data '((:num 1 :key "apple")
               (:num 9 :key "berry")
               (:num 2 :key "cactus")
               (:num 5 :key "dog")
               (:num 4 :key "frog")))

(defun h-candidates ()
  "Returns candidates for the helm source."
  (loop for cand in h-data
        collect (cons (format "%s %s"
                              (plist-get cand :num)
                              (plist-get cand :key))

(print (h-candidates))
(("1 apple" :num 1 :key "apple") ("9 berry" :num 9 :key "berry") ("2 cactus" :num 2 :key "cactus") ("5 dog" :num 5 :key "dog") ("4 frog" :num 4 :key "frog"))

Now, provide sorting, we need to create a candidate transformer function. This function will take the current candidates and source, and return a new list of candidates, possibly sorted. We use a variable to store how to sort the candidates. We also need a way to trigger the sorting. We will bind M-<down> to a function that will set the sort function, and refresh helm. Here is a keymap definition we will use later.

(defvar h-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-parent map helm-map)
    (define-key map (kbd "M-<down>")   'h-sort)
  "keymap for a helm source.")

Now, we define the sort variable, a function that sets the variable, refreshes the candidates, and finally resets the sort variable. A key point here is the sort functions must take two arguments, which will be two candidates, and each candidate is of the form (string . data). We want to sort on one of the elements in the data plists for this example.

(defvar h-sort-fn nil)

(defun h-sort ()
  (let ((action (read-char "#decreasing (d) | #increasing (i) | a-z (a) | z-a (z: ")))
     ((eq action ?d)
      (setq h-sort-fn (lambda (c1 c2) (> (plist-get (cdr c1) :num) (plist-get (cdr c2) :num)))))
     ((eq action ?i)
      (setq h-sort-fn (lambda (c1 c2) (< (plist-get (cdr c1) :num) (plist-get (cdr c2) :num)))))
     ((eq action ?a)
      (setq h-sort-fn (lambda (c1 c2) (string< (plist-get (cdr c1) :key) (plist-get (cdr c2) :key)))))
     ((eq action ?z)
      (setq h-sort-fn (lambda (c1 c2) (string> (plist-get (cdr c1) :key) (plist-get (cdr c2) :key)))))
     (t (setq h-sort-fn nil)))
     (setq h-sort-fn nil)))

Next, we define a candidate transformer. This function takes the list of candidates and the source. Here, if we have defined a sort function, we use it to sort the candidates, and if not, return the candidates. A subtle point here is the use of -sort from dash.el, which does not modify the original list at all. The build in function sort does modify the candidate list somehow, and it does not work the way you want it to here. This function gets run as the helm pattern changes.

(defun h-candidate-transformer (candidates source)
  (if h-sort-fn
    (progn (message "Sorting with %s" h-sort-fn)
    (-sort h-sort-fn candidates))

Now, just for fun, we show that dynamically defined actions are possible. Here, we generate an action list that is different for even and odd numbers. These actions are pretty trivial, but give you an idea of what might be possible; custom, context specific actions.

;; Make dynamic actions based on the candidate selected
(defun h-action-transformer (actions candidate)
  "Candidate is the result selected."
  (if (evenp (plist-get candidate :num))
      '(("Even" . identity))
    '(("Odd" . identity))))

Finally, we are ready to create a helm source. We use the new factory function for creating the source with our keymap, candidates and transformer functions.

(setq h-source
      (helm-build-sync-source "number-selector"
        :keymap h-map
        :candidates #'h-candidates
        :filtered-candidate-transformer #'h-candidate-transformer
        :action-transformer #'h-action-transformer))

Now, you can run the helm source like this.

(helm :sources 'h-source)

You can sort the numbers in descending order by typing M-<down> and pressing d. To get ascending order, press i instead. To sort on the keys, type a sort from a to z, and press z to sort on z to a. If you press tab on a selection, you will see that the actions you get depend on whether the selection is an even or odd number! So, you can get some context specific actions depending on your selection. Pretty awesome.

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Side by side figures in org-mode for different export outputs

| categories: orgmode, emacs | tags:

Occasionally, someone wants side by side figures with subcaptions that have individually referenceable labels. This is not too hard in LaTeX, and there is a solution here: .

We can create side by side figures in raw LaTeX like this (note however, this will not show up in html export):

And in our text we can refer to the overall Figure fig12, or the subfigures Figure fig:a or Figure fig:b. This works fine if your end goal is LaTeX export. It does not work fine if you want to consider HTML or some other output.

So, here we consider how we could remove the LaTeX dependency by representing the figures in a sexp data structure, for example something like this. I change the labels and captions a bit so they are actually distinguishable.

(figure ()
 (subfigure '("Left graph from sexp." (label "fig:sa"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
 (subfigure '("Right graph from sexp" (label "fig:sb"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
  "Text pertaining to both graphs from a sexp, " (ref "fig:sa")
  " and " (ref "fig:sb") "." (label "figs12")))

This doesn't look much worse than the LaTeX code itself. It might not seem useful right away, but imagine if this was really code that could evaluate to the format we want. Remember the sexp bibtex entry that could evaluate to bibtex, json or xml? Let's look at this here. What we consider is kind of like , but we could include other kinds of exports if we wanted.

Here is our special block in org-mode. It should render roughly as side by side images in LaTeX and HTML.

(figure () (subfigure '("Left graph from sexp." (label "fig:sa")) (includegraphics '((width . "3in")) "images/cos-plot.png")) (enskip) (subfigure '("Right graph from sexp" (label "fig:sb")) (includegraphics '((width . "3in")) "images/eos-uncertainty.png")) (caption "Text pertaining to both graphs from a sexp, " (ref "fig:sa") " and " (ref "fig:sb") "." (label "figs12")))

Now, we need a function to format the sexp block for export. It is easy, we just eval the contents of the block. We do assume here there is just one sexp to evaluate. This function will handle all special blocks, but we only want to do something different for the sexp blocks.

(defun sb-format (sb contents info)
     ((string= "SEXP" (org-element-property :type sb))
      (eval (read (buffer-substring
                   (org-element-property :contents-begin sb)
                   (org-element-property :contents-end sb)))))

All that is left is to define the functions. We do that next.

1 Latex export

We do LaTeX export first because we know what it should look like. We need to define a function for each piece of the data structure that will evaluate to a string. Here are three easy ones.

(defun label (arg)
  (format "\\label{%s}" arg))

(defun ref (arg)
  (format "\\ref{%s}" arg))

(defun caption (&rest body)
  (format "\\caption{%s}"
         (mapconcat 'eval body "")))

  "Text pertaining to both graphs, " (ref "fig:a")
  " and " (ref "fig:b") "." (label "fig12"))
\caption{Text pertaining to both graphs, \ref{fig:a} and \ref{fig:b}.\label{fig12}}

Now, for includegraphics, we allow options and a path. The options we assume are in an a-list.

(defun includegraphics (options path)
  (format "\\includegraphics%s{%s}"
          (if options
              (format "[%s]"
                      (mapconcat (lambda (ccell)
                                   (format "%s=%s"
                                           (car ccell)
                                           (cdr ccell)))

(includegraphics '((width . "3in"))

Similarly for subfigure, we have options, and then a body of expressions. The options here are just expressions that should evaluate to strings. This is not consistent with the way we do options in includegraphics. This is just proof of concept work, so I don't know if this inconsistency is really problematic yet, or insufficient for all options.

(defun subfigure (options &rest body)
  (format "\\subfigure%s{%s}"
          (if options
              (format "[%s]"
                      (mapconcat 'eval options ""))
          (mapconcat 'eval body "")))

(subfigure '("Right graph" (label "fig:b"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
\subfigure[Right graph\label{fig:b}]{\includegraphics[width=3in]{images/eos-uncertainty.png}}

Now, we put the whole figure together.

(defun figure (options &rest body)
  (format "\\begin{figure}
(mapconcat 'eval body "\n")))

(defun enskip () "\\enskip")

Now, we would have a block like this, and we can evaluate it.

(figure ()
 (subfigure '("Left graph from sexp." (label "fig:ssa"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
 (subfigure '("Right graph from sexp" (label "fig:ssb"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
  "Text pertaining to both graphs from a sexp, " (ref "fig:ssa")
  " and " (ref "fig:ssb") "." (label "figss12")))

Not the most beautiful LaTeX ever, but it works. Now, to get this to work, we need to handle our special sexp blocks differently. We do that with a new derived backend.

(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-latex 'latex
  :translate-alist '((special-block . sb-format)))

(org-latex-compile (org-export-to-file 'my-latex "custom-sb-export.tex"))
(org-open-file "custom-sb-export.pdf")

It works, and here is the pdf: custom-sb-export.pdf .

2 HTML functions

We can use the same sexp block to get figures side-by-side in HTML. We need to redefine each element and its HTML output.

(defun label (arg)
  (format "<a name=\"%s\"></a>" arg))

(defun ref (arg)
  (format "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" arg arg))

(defun caption (&rest body)
  (format "<caption>%s</caption>"
         (mapconcat 'eval body "")))

  "Text pertaining to both graphs, " (ref "fig:a")
  " and " (ref "fig:b") "." (label "fig12"))
<caption>Text pertaining to both graphs, <a href="#fig:a">fig:a</a> and <a href="#fig:b">fig:b</a>.<a name="fig12"></a></caption>

We will ignore options for the includegraphics html output. We would need to specify some way to do unit conversions for html. Here we fix the width.

(defun includegraphics (options path)
  (format "<img src=\"/media/%s\" width=\"300\">"

(includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
<img src="/media/images/eos-uncertainty.png" width="300">

We wrap a subfigure in a table cell.

(defun subfigure (options &rest body)
  (format "<td>%s%s</td>"
          (mapconcat 'eval body "")
          (when options
            (concat "<br>"
                    (mapconcat 'eval options "")))))

(subfigure '("Right graph" (label "fig:b"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
<td><img src="/media/images/eos-uncertainty.png" width="300"><br>Right graph<a name="fig:b"></a></td>

We assume we can put the images in a single row.

(defun figure (options &rest body)
  (format "<span class=\"image\"><table>
(mapconcat 'eval body "\n")))

(defun enskip () "")

Now, here is our specification.

(figure ()
 (subfigure '("Left graph" (label "fig:ha"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
 (subfigure '("Right graph" (label "fig:hb"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
  "Text pertaining to both graphs, " (ref "fig:ha")
  " and " (ref "fig:hb") "." (label "figh12")))

Left graph

Right graph
Text pertaining to both graphs, fig:ha and fig:hb.

And our derived backend for HTML.

(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-html 'html
  :translate-alist '((special-block . sb-format)))

(browse-url (org-export-to-file 'my-html "custom-sb-export.html"))
#<process open custom-sb-export.html>

3 Summary thoughts

I think I like the idea. Obviously there are differences between what is possible between LaTeX and HTML, notably the attributes that may or may not be supported between them, including the units of the width, labels, and references. I still have not figured out an elegant way to switch between LaTeX and HTML exports since there is basically one set of functions that need different outputs under different conditions; maybe each function could have backend specific output.

For small things, you could achieve this with inline emacs-lisp src blocks, but I think those are limited to one liners. Alternatively, you could probably get by with output from an actual src block, but you would have to make sure it executed during export (I turn this off by default), and that it have backend specific output.

Finally, the only other alternative is a preprocessor that finds the sexps that define the data and replaces them with output.

The sexp block I described above is basically like a domain specific language (DSL). Something like this is described in "Practical Common Lisp" ( ). My version is not as sophisticated as the one there. Notably, mine uses eval which has some limitations, such as no communication between sexp blocks.

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Colored text in org-mode with export to HTML

| categories: orgmode, emacs | tags:

Just for fun, I want to put colored text in org-mode using links. This is a simple hack that uses the description in an org-mode link as the text to color, and the path in link to specify the color. I use an overlay to do this because I could not figure out how to change the face foreground color. We provide a simple export to HTML. LaTeX is also doable, but a trickier export as you need to define the colors in the LaTeX header also.

Here is the code to make the color link, and put overlays on them with font-lock.

(require 'ov)

 (lambda (path)
   "No follow action.")
 (lambda (color description backend)
    ((eq backend 'html)
     (let ((rgb (assoc color color-name-rgb-alist))
           r g b)
       (if rgb
             (setq r (* 255 (/ (nth 1 rgb) 65535.0))
                   g (* 255 (/ (nth 2 rgb) 65535.0))
                   b (* 255 (/ (nth 3 rgb) 65535.0)))
             (format "<span style=\"color: rgb(%s,%s,%s)\">%s</span>"
                     (truncate r) (truncate g) (truncate b)
                     (or description color)))
         (format "No Color RGB for %s" color)))))))

(defun next-color-link (limit)
  (when (re-search-forward
         "color:[a-zA-Z]\\{2,\\}" limit t)
    (forward-char -2)
    (let* ((next-link (org-element-context))
           color beg end post-blanks)
      (if next-link
            (setq color (org-element-property :path next-link)
                  beg (org-element-property :begin next-link)
                  end (org-element-property :end next-link)
                  post-blanks (org-element-property :post-blank next-link))
             (list beg
                   (- end post-blanks)))
            (ov-clear beg end 'color)
            (ov beg
                (- end post-blanks)
             'color t
             `((:foreground ,color)))
            (goto-char end))
        (goto-char limit)

    '((next-color-link (0  'org-link t)))

I do not love the use of overlays on this, but it is the only way I could figure out how to do this without creating a face for every single color. Setting the foreground color property on the links did not work.

Now, we use a loop to generate a lot of colored links to check it out. It basically works. I see some overlays pop up in folded headlines sometimes, but I don't mind that too much. Emacs slows down when the screen is full of these links, but it seems fine under normal numbers of links. Since colors are likely to only be for accent, I do not think performance will be a problem. This might be a nice way to add accents to draw attention to some text in org-mode. If you like this, you might can get the code here:

Here is what the text looks like in my buffer.

(loop for color in color-name-rgb-alist
      (princ (format "[[color:%s][Text colored in %s]]\n" (car color) (car color))))

Text colored in snow Text colored in ghostwhite Text colored in whitesmoke Text colored in gainsboro Text colored in floralwhite Text colored in oldlace Text colored in linen Text colored in antiquewhite Text colored in papayawhip Text colored in blanchedalmond Text colored in bisque Text colored in peachpuff Text colored in navajowhite Text colored in moccasin Text colored in cornsilk Text colored in ivory Text colored in lemonchiffon Text colored in seashell Text colored in honeydew Text colored in mintcream Text colored in azure Text colored in aliceblue Text colored in lavender Text colored in lavenderblush Text colored in mistyrose Text colored in white Text colored in black Text colored in darkslategray Text colored in darkslategrey Text colored in dimgray Text colored in dimgrey Text colored in slategray Text colored in slategrey Text colored in lightslategray Text colored in lightslategrey Text colored in gray Text colored in grey Text colored in lightgrey Text colored in lightgray Text colored in midnightblue Text colored in navy Text colored in navyblue Text colored in cornflowerblue Text colored in darkslateblue Text colored in slateblue Text colored in mediumslateblue Text colored in lightslateblue Text colored in mediumblue Text colored in royalblue Text colored in blue Text colored in dodgerblue Text colored in deepskyblue Text colored in skyblue Text colored in lightskyblue Text colored in steelblue Text colored in lightsteelblue Text colored in lightblue Text colored in powderblue Text colored in paleturquoise Text colored in darkturquoise Text colored in mediumturquoise Text colored in turquoise Text colored in cyan Text colored in lightcyan Text colored in cadetblue Text colored in mediumaquamarine Text colored in aquamarine Text colored in darkgreen Text colored in darkolivegreen Text colored in darkseagreen Text colored in seagreen Text colored in mediumseagreen Text colored in lightseagreen Text colored in palegreen Text colored in springgreen Text colored in lawngreen Text colored in green Text colored in chartreuse Text colored in mediumspringgreen Text colored in greenyellow Text colored in limegreen Text colored in yellowgreen Text colored in forestgreen Text colored in olivedrab Text colored in darkkhaki Text colored in khaki Text colored in palegoldenrod Text colored in lightgoldenrodyellow Text colored in lightyellow Text colored in yellow Text colored in gold Text colored in lightgoldenrod Text colored in goldenrod Text colored in darkgoldenrod Text colored in rosybrown Text colored in indianred Text colored in saddlebrown Text colored in sienna Text colored in peru Text colored in burlywood Text colored in beige Text colored in wheat Text colored in sandybrown Text colored in tan Text colored in chocolate Text colored in firebrick Text colored in brown Text colored in darksalmon Text colored in salmon Text colored in lightsalmon Text colored in orange Text colored in darkorange Text colored in coral Text colored in lightcoral Text colored in tomato Text colored in orangered Text colored in red Text colored in hotpink Text colored in deeppink Text colored in pink Text colored in lightpink Text colored in palevioletred Text colored in maroon Text colored in mediumvioletred Text colored in violetred Text colored in magenta Text colored in violet Text colored in plum Text colored in orchid Text colored in mediumorchid Text colored in darkorchid Text colored in darkviolet Text colored in blueviolet Text colored in purple Text colored in mediumpurple Text colored in thistle Text colored in snow1 Text colored in snow2 Text colored in snow3 Text colored in snow4 Text colored in seashell1 Text colored in seashell2 Text colored in seashell3 Text colored in seashell4 Text colored in antiquewhite1 Text colored in antiquewhite2 Text colored in antiquewhite3 Text colored in antiquewhite4 Text colored in bisque1 Text colored in bisque2 Text colored in bisque3 Text colored in bisque4 Text colored in peachpuff1 Text colored in peachpuff2 Text colored in peachpuff3 Text colored in peachpuff4 Text colored in navajowhite1 Text colored in navajowhite2 Text colored in navajowhite3 Text colored in navajowhite4 Text colored in lemonchiffon1 Text colored in lemonchiffon2 Text colored in lemonchiffon3 Text colored in lemonchiffon4 Text colored in cornsilk1 Text colored in cornsilk2 Text colored in cornsilk3 Text colored in cornsilk4 Text colored in ivory1 Text colored in ivory2 Text colored in ivory3 Text colored in ivory4 Text colored in honeydew1 Text colored in honeydew2 Text colored in honeydew3 Text colored in honeydew4 Text colored in lavenderblush1 Text colored in lavenderblush2 Text colored in lavenderblush3 Text colored in lavenderblush4 Text colored in mistyrose1 Text colored in mistyrose2 Text colored in mistyrose3 Text colored in mistyrose4 Text colored in azure1 Text colored in azure2 Text colored in azure3 Text colored in azure4 Text colored in slateblue1 Text colored in 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Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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org-ref is on Melpa

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org-ref is out on Melpa !

Checkout this video (≈ 10 min.) of what it can do:

Here are the files that we used/generated:

  1. Emacs configuration: org-ref-melpa.el
  2. Here is the "manuscript" (note, I extracted the bibtex entries into this file)
  3. The resulting PDF: manuscript.pdf

Some killer new features:

  1. Drag-n-drop a PDF or url onto a bibtex file to add bibtex entries. This works when org-ref knows how to get a DOI from the PDF or url.
  2. Tooltips on cite links

Thanks everyone who has already tried it out and reported bugs!

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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