Operator precedence in infix notation by automatic parenthesizing
Posted April 10, 2016 at 01:32 PM | categories: hylang | tags:
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I am continuing some investigation in getting operator precedence right with infix notation. You can fully parenthesize your expressions for this, but it is tedious and hard to read. Apparently in Fortran I (yep, one) the compiler would expand each operator in an expression with a sequence of parentheses to get the precedence right (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operator-precedence_parser )!
Roughly, these were the rules.
- replace + and – with ))+(( and ))-((, respectively;
- replace * and / with )*( and )/(, respectively;
- add (( at the beginning of each expression and after each left parenthesis in the original expression; and
- add )) at the end of the expression and before each right parenthesis in the original expression.
So this
a * b + c ^ d / e
Not too pretty, but correct! The wikipedia page provides an example C program to implement this, and we adapt it here for hy. The idea is to take an expression as a string, parenthesize it, and then we could eval it.
(defn parenthesize [input] "Fully parenthize the input string." (let [s ""] (+= s "((((") (for [(, i char) (enumerate input)] (cond [(= char "(") (+= s "((((")] [(= char ")") (+= s "))))")] ;; rewrite ^ to ** [(= char "^") (+= s ")**(")] [(= char "*") (+= s "))*((")] [(= char "/") (+= s "))/((")] [(= char "+") (if (or (= 0 i) (in (get input (- i 1)) ["(" "^" "*" "/" "+" "-"])) (+= s "+ ") (+= s ")))+((("))] [(= char "-") (if (or (= 0 i) (in (get input (- i 1)) ["(" "^" "*" "/" "+" "-"])) (+= s "- ") (+= s ")))-((("))] [true (+= s char)])) (+= s "))))") s))
Let's try it out.
(import [infix [*]]) (print (parenthesize "a * b + c ^ d / e"))
((((a ))*(( b )))+((( c )**( d ))/(( e))))
For comparison:
Spaces aside, it looks like we got that right. The spaces should not be a problem for lisp. This is another strategy to get infix notation with operator precedence! Let's see some examples.
(import [infix [*]]) (require infix) (print (eval (nfx (read-str (parenthesize "1 + 2 * 5"))))) (print (eval (nfx (read-str (parenthesize "1 * 2 + 5"))))) (print (eval (nfx (read-str (parenthesize "1 * 2 + 2^2")))))
11 7 6
We can get that string representation easy enough.
(import [infix [*]]) (require infix) (print (eval (nfx (read-str (parenthesize (stringify `(1 + 2)))))))
This too is worthy of simplifying the notation with a function.
(defn NFX [code &optional [globals (globals)]] "Evaluate the infix CODE. CODE is stringified, parenthesized, read back and infixed." (import infix) (import serialize) (eval (infix.nfx (read-str (infix.parenthesize (serialize.stringify code)))) globals))
(defmacro NFX [code] "Evaluate the infix CODE. CODE is stringified, parenthesized, read back and infixed." `(do (import infix) (import serialize) (eval (infix.nfx (read-str (infix.parenthesize (serialize.stringify ~code)))))))
Here is a simple example.
;(import [infix [*]]) (require infix) (print (NFX `(1 + 2 * 5))) (print (NFX `((1 + 2) * 5))) (import [numpy :as np]) (print (NFX `(1 + (np.exp 2)))) ; not working because of infix ;(print (NFX `(1 + (np.linspace 0 1 5)))) ;; But this is ok since no infix mangling happens. (let [a (np.linspace 0 1 5)] (print (NFX `(1 + a))))
11 15 8.38905609893 [ 1. 1.25 1.5 1.75 2. ]
That is slightly heavy still, and we can fix it with a new reader macro.
(defreader m [code] `(do (import infix) (import serialize) (eval (infix.nfx (read-str (infix.parenthesize (serialize.stringify ~code)))))))
Since we return code in that reader macro, we have to quote the code. This is debatably more concise than the NFX macro.
(require infix) (print #m`(1 + 2 + 5)) (print #m`(1 + 2 * 5)) (print #m`((1 + 2) * 5)) (import [numpy :as np]) (print #m`((1 + (np.exp 2)))) ;; these are all the same (print (+ 1 (np.exp 2) (* 2 5))) (print #m(`(1 + (np.exp 2) + 2 * 5))) (print (NFX `(1 + (np.exp 2) + 2 * 5)))
8 11 15 8.38905609893 18.3890560989 18.3890560989 18.3890560989
1 Another test of a real problem
Here is another test of using an infix notation, this time with operator precedence. Note the use of ^ for exponentiation. The parenthesize function assumes single character operators, and would take some work to use **. Note we still need the space between - and x to avoid a mangling issue with _x in hy.
(import [numpy :as np]) (import [scipy.integrate [odeint]]) (import [scipy.special [jn]]) (import [matplotlib.pyplot :as plt]) (import [infix [*]]) (require infix) (defn fbessel [Y x] "System of 1st order ODEs for the Bessel equation." (setv nu 0.0 y (get Y 0) z (get Y 1)) ;; define the derivatives (setv dydx z ;; the Python way is: "1.0 / x**2 * (-x * z - (x**2 - nu**2) * y)" dzdx #m`((1.0 / x^2) * ((- x) * z - (x^2 - nu^2) * y))) ;; Here is what it was with prefix notation ;; dzdx (* (/ 1.0 (** x 2)) (- (* (* -1 x) z) (* (- (** x 2) (** nu 2)) y)))) ;; return derivatives [dydx dzdx]) (setv x0 1e-15 y0 1.0 z0 0.0 Y0 [y0 z0]) (setv xspan (np.linspace 1e-15 10) sol (odeint fbessel Y0 xspan)) (plt.plot xspan (. sol [[Ellipsis 0]]) :label "Numerical solution") (plt.plot xspan (jn 0 xspan) "r--" :label "Analytical solution") (plt.legend :loc "best") (plt.savefig "bessel-infix-m.png")
I wonder if there is actually some ambiguity in the expression or how it is parenthesized. We get the right answer with:
(1.0 / x^2) * ((- x) * z - (x^2 - nu^2) * y)
but not with:
1.0 / x^2 * ((- x) * z - (x^2 - nu^2) * y))
Let's see if we can see why. Consider 1 / x * a. This should probably be evaluated as (1 / x) * a. This shows the algorithm does not do that.
(import [infix [*]]) (print (nfx (read-str (parenthesize (stringify `(1 / x * a)))))) ; `(1.0 / x^2 * ((- x) * z - (x^2 - nu^2) * y)))))))
(u'/' 1L (u'*' u'x' u'a'))
That reads: 1 / (x * a)
If we had a layer of parentheses we get the right answer.
(import [infix [*]]) (print (nfx (read-str (parenthesize (stringify `((1 / x) * a)))))) ; `((1.0 / x^2) * ((- x) * z - (x^2 - nu^2) * y)))))))
(u'*' (u'/' 1L u'x') u'a')
This reads (1 / x) * a. Our algorithm doesn't do exactly what we expect here. I guess this could be a general issue of neighboring operators with equal precedence.
Related to this, the Wikipedia page points out this example:
- a ^ 2
What does this mean? It is either (-a)^2 or -(a^2). The second is correct based on normal precedence, but the algorithm gives the unary operator - a higher precedence.
(import [infix [parenthesize]]) (print (parenthesize "- a ^ 2")) (print (parenthesize "- (a ^ 2)"))
((((- a )**( 2)))) ((((- ((((a )**( 2))))))))
To get the right thing, you need to use parentheses. Sometimes I do that in real code anyway to make sure what I want to happen does. Maybe some of this can be fixed in our parser function. Probably for another day.
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Org-mode version = 8.2.10