Displaying image overlays on image filenames in Emacs

| categories: emacs, orgmode | tags:

It has always bothered me a little that I have to add a file image after code blocks in org-mode to see the results. That extra work… I also don't like having to explicitly print the figure in the code, since that is the extra work, just in a different place. Today I look into two approaches to this. First, we consider something like tooltips, and second just putting overlays of image files right on the file name. The plus side of this is no extra work. The downside is they won't export; that will still take the extra work, but you needed that for the caption anyway for now.

Here is a video illustrating the code in this post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuAnwCERM0U

Here is a test.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot([0, 1, 2, 4, 16])

1 Tooltip approach

Building on our previous approach of graphical tooltips, we try that here to show the images. I have solved the issue of why the images didn't show in the tooltips before; it was related to how Emacs was built. I used to build it with "cocoa" support so it integrates well in OSX. Here, I have build it with gtk3, and the tooltips work with images.

(defvar image-tooltip-re (concat  "\\(?3:'\\|\"\\)\\(?1:.*\\."
                                  (regexp-opt '("png" "PNG" "JPG" "jpeg"
                                                "jpg" "JPEG" "eps" "EPS"))
  "Regexp to match image filenames in quotes")

(defun image-tooltip (window object position)
    (goto-char position)
    (let (beg end imgfile img s)
      (while (not (looking-at image-tooltip-re))
        (forward-char -1))
      (setq imgfile (match-string-no-properties 1))
      (when (file-exists-p imgfile)
        (setq img (create-image (expand-file-name imgfile)
                                'imagemagick nil :width 200))
        (propertize "Look in the minibuffer"
                    'display img)))))

    0 '(face font-lock-keyword-face
             help-echo image-tooltip))))


Now these both have tooltips on them: "test-fig.png" and 'test-fig.png'.

2 The overlay approach

We might alternatively prefer to put overlays in the buffer. Here we make that happen.

(defun next-image-overlay (&optional limit)
  (when (re-search-forward image-tooltip-re limit t)
    (setq beg (match-beginning 0)
          end (match-end 0)
          imgfile (match-string 1))
    (when (file-exists-p imgfile)
      (setq img (create-image (expand-file-name imgfile)
                              'imagemagick nil :width 300))
      (setq ov (make-overlay beg end))
      (overlay-put ov 'display img)
      (overlay-put ov 'face 'default)
      (overlay-put ov 'org-image-overlay t)
      (overlay-put ov 'modification-hooks
                   (list 'org-display-inline-remove-overlay)))))

 '((next-image-overlay (0  'font-lock-keyword-face t)))

Here is the example we looked at before.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot([-0, 1, 2, 4, 16])

You may want to remove those overlays. Here is one way. Note they come back if you don't disable the font-lock keywords though.

(ov-clear 'org-image-overlay)

I know you want to do that so here is:

 '((next-image-overlay (0  'font-lock-keyword-face t))))

(ov-clear 'org-image-overlay)

Note you still have to clear the overlays. Font lock doesn't seem to do that for you I think.

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Org teleport headlines

| categories: emacs, orgmode | tags:

I often want to rearrange org headlines. There are super convenient shortcuts for some things, like Alt-up/down to move up and down, and Alt-left/right to change levels, and shift variants of that when there are nested headlines. There is also refile for some use cases. The case these don't handle for me is when I have a headline at the bottom and I want to move it a distance. To cut down on key strokes, I usually kill the headline, jump to where I want, and paste it.

In lispy, there is a teleport command for this! I am going to adapt this here for reorganizing org-headlines. This version allows you to move headlines around on the visible area. You need another strategy for the candidates to jump to if you want to move a headline off the screen. Note though that ivy is really smart, you can have one file in a split view and it will jump to any headline in any window! I use ivy for the navigation here, but you could also use helm to select headlines, for example. This function puts your headline after the selected headline, unless you use a prefix arg, and then it goes before.

Check out the video to see this in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv-2888rpyc

Note: this code is a little more advanced than what is in the video; I added a numeric prefix to change the headline level.

(defun org-teleport (&optional arg)
  "Teleport the current heading to after a headline selected with avy.
With a prefix ARG move the headline to before the selected
headline. With a numeric prefix, set the headline level. If ARG
is positive, move after, and if negative, move before."
  (interactive "P")
  ;; Kill current headline
  (kill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
  ;; Jump to a visible headline
  (avy-with avy-goto-line (avy--generic-jump "^\\*+" nil avy-style))
   ;; Move before  and change headline level
   ((and (numberp arg) (> 0 arg))
    ;; arg is what we want, second is what we have
    ;; if n is positive, we need to demote (increase level)
    (let ((n (- (abs arg) (car (org-heading-components)))))
      (cl-loop for i from 1 to (abs n)
               (if (> 0 n)
   ;; Move after and change level
   ((and (numberp arg) (< 0 arg))
    (goto-char (region-end))
    (when (eobp) (insert "\n"))
    ;; n is what we want and second is what we have
    ;; if n is positive, we need to demote
    (let ((n (- (abs arg) (car (org-heading-components)))))
      (cl-loop for i from 1 to (abs n)
               (if (> 0 n) (org-promote-subtree)

   ;; move to before selection
   ((equal arg '(4))
   ;; move to after selection
    (goto-char (region-end))
    (when (eobp) (insert "\n"))

Now we add some new speed commands to help us out. I think we should be able to mark subtrees ("@" is bound to this, but I like "m" better) and kill them with a key stroke, in addition to teleporting them. Since we figured out the nice way to jump to a headline up there, we bind that to "q" which isn't used so far, and maps to a similar concept in lispy. The lowercase "t" is already bound to changing the TODO state, so we use capital "T" for the speed key to teleport. Note it is possible to "compose" the same effect by typing "k" to kill a headline, then "q" to jump somewhere else (or navigate where you want, and then "C-y" to paste it at the new location. Or, "T".

(add-to-list 'org-speed-commands-user (cons "m" 'org-mark-subtree))
(add-to-list 'org-speed-commands-user (cons "k" (lambda ()
(add-to-list 'org-speed-commands-user
             (cons "q" (lambda ()
                         (avy-with avy-goto-line
                           (avy--generic-jump "^\\*+" nil avy-style)))))

(add-to-list 'org-speed-commands-user (cons "T" 'org-teleport))

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Adding captions and attributes to figures and tables from code blocks in org-mode

| categories: orgmode | tags:

I have wanted for a long time to be able to add captions and attributes to figures and tables generated from code blocks. I brought this up on the mailing list (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2015-11/msg00544.html ) and finally, I have figured out a way to do it that seems ok. It is based on the :wrap feature of org-babel.

The idea is to use a function that will wrap the results in additional text. We use this function that will add a caption and attributes.

(defun src-decorate (&optional caption attributes)
  "A wrap function for src blocks."
   (when attributes
     (concat (mapconcat 'identity attributes "\n") "\n"))
   (when caption
     (format "#+caption: %s" caption))))

Now, we try it out on a figure:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)
y = np.sin(x)

plt.plot(x, y)
print('[[./images/sin.png' + ']]')

Figure 1: A sin wave.

Success. We can even refer to Fig. fig-sin. Next, we try it on a table.

import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 5)
y = np.sin(x)

return [['x', 'y'], None] + list(zip(x, y))
Table 1: A table of sin data.
x y
0.0 0.0
1.5707963267948966 1.0
3.141592653589793 1.2246467991473532e-16
4.71238898038469 -1.0
6.283185307179586 -2.4492935982947064e-16

Sweet. We can refer to Tab. tab-sin too. I have wanted this for a long time. Perseverance wins again! and org-mode gets better. Hopefully this works with org 8.3 too!

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Calling remote code-blocks in org-mode

| categories: interactive, orgmode, plotting | tags:

Table of Contents

We often write code in supporting information files that generates figures or tables in a scientific manuscript. Today, we explore how to call those code blocks remotely but get the output in the file we call it from. We will write code in si.org that generates an interactive figure that is presented in this file. We will use data published in hallenbeck-2015-compar-co2. You can find the data we used in the SI for that paper, or more conveniently here .

So, we make a named code block in the si.org file called "figure-1". Then we call it like this:

#+call: si.org:figure-1() :wrap html

That executes the code block in the other file, and wraps the output in an HTML block in this file! I do not like my code blocks to execute when I export because they are usually expensive calculations, so I have to manually run the line with C-c C-c, but you can override that behavior with a local setting of org-export-babel-evaluate. So, without further delay, here is the result. Now we have a nice, neat blog post file, with code in an si.org file!

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Side by side figures in org-mode for different export outputs

| categories: emacs, orgmode | tags:

Occasionally, someone wants side by side figures with subcaptions that have individually referenceable labels. This is not too hard in LaTeX, and there is a solution here: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2009/01/14/how-to-display-side-by-side-figurs-in-latex/ .

We can create side by side figures in raw LaTeX like this (note however, this will not show up in html export):

And in our text we can refer to the overall Figure fig12, or the subfigures Figure fig:a or Figure fig:b. This works fine if your end goal is LaTeX export. It does not work fine if you want to consider HTML or some other output.

So, here we consider how we could remove the LaTeX dependency by representing the figures in a sexp data structure, for example something like this. I change the labels and captions a bit so they are actually distinguishable.

(figure ()
 (subfigure '("Left graph from sexp." (label "fig:sa"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
 (subfigure '("Right graph from sexp" (label "fig:sb"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
  "Text pertaining to both graphs from a sexp, " (ref "fig:sa")
  " and " (ref "fig:sb") "." (label "figs12")))

This doesn't look much worse than the LaTeX code itself. It might not seem useful right away, but imagine if this was really code that could evaluate to the format we want. Remember the sexp bibtex entry that could evaluate to bibtex, json or xml? Let's look at this here. What we consider is kind of like http://oremacs.com/2015/01/23/eltex/ , but we could include other kinds of exports if we wanted.

Here is our special block in org-mode. It should render roughly as side by side images in LaTeX and HTML.

(figure () (subfigure '("Left graph from sexp." (label "fig:sa")) (includegraphics '((width . "3in")) "images/cos-plot.png")) (enskip) (subfigure '("Right graph from sexp" (label "fig:sb")) (includegraphics '((width . "3in")) "images/eos-uncertainty.png")) (caption "Text pertaining to both graphs from a sexp, " (ref "fig:sa") " and " (ref "fig:sb") "." (label "figs12")))

Now, we need a function to format the sexp block for export. It is easy, we just eval the contents of the block. We do assume here there is just one sexp to evaluate. This function will handle all special blocks, but we only want to do something different for the sexp blocks.

(defun sb-format (sb contents info)
     ((string= "SEXP" (org-element-property :type sb))
      (eval (read (buffer-substring
                   (org-element-property :contents-begin sb)
                   (org-element-property :contents-end sb)))))

All that is left is to define the functions. We do that next.

1 Latex export

We do LaTeX export first because we know what it should look like. We need to define a function for each piece of the data structure that will evaluate to a string. Here are three easy ones.

(defun label (arg)
  (format "\\label{%s}" arg))

(defun ref (arg)
  (format "\\ref{%s}" arg))

(defun caption (&rest body)
  (format "\\caption{%s}"
         (mapconcat 'eval body "")))

  "Text pertaining to both graphs, " (ref "fig:a")
  " and " (ref "fig:b") "." (label "fig12"))
\caption{Text pertaining to both graphs, \ref{fig:a} and \ref{fig:b}.\label{fig12}}

Now, for includegraphics, we allow options and a path. The options we assume are in an a-list.

(defun includegraphics (options path)
  (format "\\includegraphics%s{%s}"
          (if options
              (format "[%s]"
                      (mapconcat (lambda (ccell)
                                   (format "%s=%s"
                                           (car ccell)
                                           (cdr ccell)))

(includegraphics '((width . "3in"))

Similarly for subfigure, we have options, and then a body of expressions. The options here are just expressions that should evaluate to strings. This is not consistent with the way we do options in includegraphics. This is just proof of concept work, so I don't know if this inconsistency is really problematic yet, or insufficient for all options.

(defun subfigure (options &rest body)
  (format "\\subfigure%s{%s}"
          (if options
              (format "[%s]"
                      (mapconcat 'eval options ""))
          (mapconcat 'eval body "")))

(subfigure '("Right graph" (label "fig:b"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
\subfigure[Right graph\label{fig:b}]{\includegraphics[width=3in]{images/eos-uncertainty.png}}

Now, we put the whole figure together.

(defun figure (options &rest body)
  (format "\\begin{figure}
(mapconcat 'eval body "\n")))

(defun enskip () "\\enskip")

Now, we would have a block like this, and we can evaluate it.

(figure ()
 (subfigure '("Left graph from sexp." (label "fig:ssa"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
 (subfigure '("Right graph from sexp" (label "fig:ssb"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
  "Text pertaining to both graphs from a sexp, " (ref "fig:ssa")
  " and " (ref "fig:ssb") "." (label "figss12")))

Not the most beautiful LaTeX ever, but it works. Now, to get this to work, we need to handle our special sexp blocks differently. We do that with a new derived backend.

(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-latex 'latex
  :translate-alist '((special-block . sb-format)))

(org-latex-compile (org-export-to-file 'my-latex "custom-sb-export.tex"))
(org-open-file "custom-sb-export.pdf")

It works, and here is the pdf: custom-sb-export.pdf .

2 HTML functions

We can use the same sexp block to get figures side-by-side in HTML. We need to redefine each element and its HTML output.

(defun label (arg)
  (format "<a name=\"%s\"></a>" arg))

(defun ref (arg)
  (format "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" arg arg))

(defun caption (&rest body)
  (format "<caption>%s</caption>"
         (mapconcat 'eval body "")))

  "Text pertaining to both graphs, " (ref "fig:a")
  " and " (ref "fig:b") "." (label "fig12"))
<caption>Text pertaining to both graphs, <a href="#fig:a">fig:a</a> and <a href="#fig:b">fig:b</a>.<a name="fig12"></a></caption>

We will ignore options for the includegraphics html output. We would need to specify some way to do unit conversions for html. Here we fix the width.

(defun includegraphics (options path)
  (format "<img src=\"/media/%s\" width=\"300\">"

(includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
<img src="/media/images/eos-uncertainty.png" width="300">

We wrap a subfigure in a table cell.

(defun subfigure (options &rest body)
  (format "<td>%s%s</td>"
          (mapconcat 'eval body "")
          (when options
            (concat "<br>"
                    (mapconcat 'eval options "")))))

(subfigure '("Right graph" (label "fig:b"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
<td><img src="/media/images/eos-uncertainty.png" width="300"><br>Right graph<a name="fig:b"></a></td>

We assume we can put the images in a single row.

(defun figure (options &rest body)
  (format "<span class=\"image\"><table>
(mapconcat 'eval body "\n")))

(defun enskip () "")

Now, here is our specification.

(figure ()
 (subfigure '("Left graph" (label "fig:ha"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
 (subfigure '("Right graph" (label "fig:hb"))
            (includegraphics '((width . "3in"))
  "Text pertaining to both graphs, " (ref "fig:ha")
  " and " (ref "fig:hb") "." (label "figh12")))

Left graph

Right graph
Text pertaining to both graphs, fig:ha and fig:hb.

And our derived backend for HTML.

(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-html 'html
  :translate-alist '((special-block . sb-format)))

(browse-url (org-export-to-file 'my-html "custom-sb-export.html"))
#<process open custom-sb-export.html>

3 Summary thoughts

I think I like the idea. Obviously there are differences between what is possible between LaTeX and HTML, notably the attributes that may or may not be supported between them, including the units of the width, labels, and references. I still have not figured out an elegant way to switch between LaTeX and HTML exports since there is basically one set of functions that need different outputs under different conditions; maybe each function could have backend specific output.

For small things, you could achieve this with inline emacs-lisp src blocks, but I think those are limited to one liners. Alternatively, you could probably get by with output from an actual src block, but you would have to make sure it executed during export (I turn this off by default), and that it have backend specific output.

Finally, the only other alternative is a preprocessor that finds the sexps that define the data and replaces them with output.

The sexp block I described above is basically like a domain specific language (DSL). Something like this is described in "Practical Common Lisp" (http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/practical-an-html-generation-library-the-interpreter.html ). My version is not as sophisticated as the one there. Notably, mine uses eval which has some limitations, such as no communication between sexp blocks.

Copyright (C) 2016 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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