Getting a list of figures in an org-buffer

| categories: org-mode | tags:

Similar to the previous example of getting a list of tables, here we examine getting a list of figures. Here are two figure links, one with a label, and one with a caption.

Figure 1: An equation of state. this is the caption of the figure.

Figure 2: another figure

We define a link that will parse the buffer, and create links in a new buffer to the figures. We define a figure as a link with a :type of "file" that has a path that points to a file ending with png or pdf. We will improve on the list of tables by making the buffer read-only, and making a local key binding to kill the buffer by pressing "q". Here is our attempted code.

(defun string/ends-with (s ending)
  "return non-nil if string S ends with ENDING."
  (cond ((>= (length s) (length ending))
         (let ((elength (length ending)))
           (string= (substring s (- 0 elength)) ending)))
        (t nil)))

 (lambda (link-string)
   (let* ((c-b (buffer-name))
          (counter 0)
           (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link
             (lambda (link) 
               "create a link for to the figure"
                   (and (string= (org-element-property :type link) "file")
                         (org-element-property :path link)))                   
                 (incf counter)
                 (let* ((start (org-element-property :begin link))
                        (parent (car (cdr (org-element-property :parent link))))
                        (caption (caaar (plist-get parent :caption)))
                        (name (plist-get parent :name)))
                   (if caption 
                        "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer \"%s\")(goto-char %s))][figure %s: %s]] %s\n" 
                        c-b start counter (or name "") caption)
                      "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer \"%s\")(goto-char %s))][figure %s: %s]]\n" 
                      c-b start counter (or name "")))))))))
          (switch-to-buffer "*List of Figures*")
          (insert (mapconcat 'identity list-of-figures ""))
          (setq buffer-read-only t)
          (use-local-map (copy-keymap org-mode-map))
          (local-set-key "q" #'(lambda () (interactive) (kill-buffer)))))
   (lambda (keyword desc format)
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (format "\\listoffigures")))))

This is a test to see if our function works for other image types. smiley.jpg

And a link to test it out:

This works too. I am not sure I am getting the figure name and caption in a bulletproof way. They seem to be buried in the :parent of the element, which is a paragraph element. The caption seems to be buried in a few sets of parentheses, hence the use of caaar to get the caption out. I am not sure if the caption is always at that depth or not. As a proof of concept though, this is not too bad.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.5h

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Getting a list of tables in an org-buffer

| categories: org-mode | tags:

In a large document it might be nice to quickly get a list of tables. Preferrably by clicking on a link that generates the list, and exports appropriately, e.g. listoftables for LaTeX. A link like this:

Before getting to the code that does what we need, let us make some tables. We make three different kinds of tables for fun. A named table, an unnamed table, and a table with a caption.

1 2
a b
t y
5 6
Table 1: column of numbers

We would like a function that creates a buffer with a list of the tables, and links to them. We include the table name, and caption if there is one. We will create an org-buffer, and use org-links to the tables. Here is a link definition that will do that.

 (lambda (link-string)
   (let* ((c-b (buffer-name))
          (counter 0)
           (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer 'element) 'table
             (lambda (table) 
               "create a link for to the table"
               (incf counter)
               (let ((start (org-element-property :begin table))
                     (name  (org-element-property :name table))
                     (caption (caaar (org-element-property :caption table))))
                 (if caption 
                      "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer \"%s\")(goto-char %s))][table %s: %s]] %s\n" 
                      c-b start counter (or name "") caption)
                    "[[elisp:(progn (switch-to-buffer \"%s\")(goto-char %s))][table %s: %s]]\n" 
                    c-b start counter (or name ""))))))))
     (switch-to-buffer "*List of Tables*")
     (insert (mapconcat 'identity list-of-tables ""))))
 (lambda (keyword desc format)
    ((eq format 'latex)
     (format "\\listoftables")))))

A list of figures would only be a little trickier. You would map over the links, and find the file type links that have a select number of extensions, e.g. png, jpg, etc…

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.5h

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Extracting bibtex file from an org-buffer

| categories: bibtex, org-mode | tags:

Table of Contents

We use citation links a lot in our org-files, like this:

. Sometimes there are multiple citations like this
. It would be convenient at times to extract a bibtex file from these citations. That way we could easily share files. This is possible in RefTeX from a LaTeX file. Org makes it easy to export to LaTeX, so this seems like it should be easy. It would be easy, if I always put the bibliography link in the file. I usually do not, so let us check if that is the case, and if it is not add the bibliography to the end before we export. Then, with the LaTeX file in hand, we open it, and call the RefTeX functions to get the bibliography. Finally, we will create a link to the actual created file, and add it as a source block that can be tangled at the end of the file.

Here is a function that does the extraction and some house cleaning. We actually take the contents of the buffer and save it in a temporary file, so that we do not accidentally clobber a tex or bibtex file here.

(defun kg-extract-bibtex ()
  "create bibtex file of entries cited in this buffer"

  (let* ((tempname (make-temp-file "extract-bib"))
         (contents (buffer-string))
         (cb (current-buffer))
         basename texfile bibfile results)

    (find-file tempname)
    (insert contents)
    (setq basename (file-name-sans-extension
                    (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
          texfile (concat basename ".tex")
          bibfile (concat basename ".bib"))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (unless (re-search-forward "^bibliography:" (point-max) 'end)
      (insert (format "\nbibliography:%s" (mapconcat 'identity reftex-default-bibliography ",")))))

    (find-file texfile)
    (reftex-create-bibtex-file bibfile)
    (setq results (buffer-string))
    (kill-buffer bibfile)
    (kill-buffer texfile)
    (delete-file texfile)
    (delete-file tempname)

    (switch-to-buffer cb)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert (format "

** Bibtex entries

#+END_EXAMPLE" results)))))


There it is! The src block does not render in HTML very well, since it appears to be simple text. It looks fine in the org file though.

It might be a good idea to replace the bibliography line with the new file, but I will leave that as an exercise for later.

1 Bibtex entries

#+BEGINEXAMPLE: @article{hallenbeck-2013-effec-o2, author = "Hallenbeck, Alexander P. and Kitchin, John R.", title = "Effects of \ce{O_2} and \ce{SO_2} on the Capture Capacity of a Primary-Amine Based Polymeric \ce{CO_2} Sorbent", year = 2013, doi = "10.1021/ie400582a", eprint = " ", journal = "Industrial \& Engineering Chemistry Research", pages = "10788-10794", url = " ", }

@article{mehta-2014-ident-poten, author = {Mehta, Prateek and Salvador, Paul A. and Kitchin, John R.}, title = {Identifying Potential BO2 Oxide Polymorphs for Epitaxial Growth Candidates}, journal = {ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces}, volume = 0, number = 0, pages = {null}, year = 2014, doi = {10.1021/am4059149}, URL = { }, eprint = { } }

@Article{thompson-2014-co2-react, author = {Thompson, Robert L. and Albenze, Erik and Shi, Wei and Hopkinson, David and Damodaran, Krishnan and Lee, Anita and Kitchin, John and Luebke, David Richard and Nulwala, Hunaid}, title = {\ce{CO_2} Reactive Ionic Liquids: Effects of functional groups on the anion and its influence on the physical properties}, journal = {RSC Adv.}, year = 2014, pages = "-", publisher = {The Royal Society of Chemistry}, doi = {10.1039/C3RA47097K}, url = { }, abstract = "Next generation of gas separation materials are needed to alleviate issues faced in energy and environmental area. Ionic liquids (ILs) are promising class of material for CO2 separations. In this work{,} CO2 reactive triazolides ILs were synthesized and characterized with the aim of developing deeper understanding on how structural changes affect the overall properties for CO2 separation. Important insights were gained illustrating the effects of substituents on the anion. It was found that substituents play a crucial role in dictating the overall physical properties of reactive ionic liquids. Depending upon the electronic and steric nature of the substituent{,} CO2 capacities between 0.07-0.4 mol CO2/mol IL were observed. Detailed spectroscopic{,} CO2 absorption{,} rheological{,} and simulation studies were carried out to understand the nature and influence of these substituents. The effect of water content was also evaluated{,} and it was found that water had an unexpected impact on the properties of these materials{,} resulting in an increased viscosity{,} but little change in the CO2 reactivity." } #+ENDEXAMPLE

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.5h

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A dynamic snippet for a task due 7 days from now

| categories: emacs, org-mode | tags:

I have been playing with yasnippets. A pretty cool feature is that you can run elisp code in the template to generate text. Below, I define a snippet that will create a todo item due 7 days from the time you define it. This is an unconventional way to define a snippet, but I did not want to save it to a file just to try it out. So, I put it in a temporary buffer, and load it from there. When you run this block, it will note it is a new snippet, and ask if you want to save it. You can say no.

We will use the code we developed here to create a timestamp from the current time plus seven days.

  (insert "# name : todo-followup
# --

*************** TODO $1
${2:             DEADLINE: `(let ((seven-days (seconds-to-time (* 7 24 60 60))))
  (format-time-string \"<%Y-%m-%d %a>\" (time-add (current-time) seven-days)))`}$0
*************** END 
  (yas-load-snippet-buffer-and-close 'org-mode))

Now, you will have a new entry in the YASnippet menu that is called todo-followup. If you put the cursor on a blank line, and select that entry you get this below (after you fill in the text for the headline, of course!):

*************** TODO see how many times this was viewed
		DEADLINE: <2014-02-23 Sun>
*************** END

That is pretty nice, as it saves a lot of keystrokes for that particular kind of task. Let us up the ante, and see if we can make it interactive so you can enter the number of days from now the task is due.

  (insert "# name : todo-followup
# --

*************** TODO $1
${2:             DEADLINE: `(let ((ndays (seconds-to-time (* (string-to-int (read-from-minibuffer \"Days until due: \")) 24 60 60))))
  (format-time-string \"<%Y-%m-%d %a>\" (time-add (current-time) ndays)))`}$0
*************** END 
  (yas-load-snippet-buffer-and-close 'org-mode))
*************** TODO sweet!
		DEADLINE: <2014-02-26 Wed>
*************** END

Well, that made it just a bit sweeter! I was prompted for the "Days until due:", entered 10 days, and a date 10 days from now was automatically entered!

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.5h

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Separating code blocks from results in org-mode

| categories: org-mode | tags:

I often put my code blocks right where I need them in my org documents. It usually has a section explaining what I want to do, then the code block that implements the idea, following by the output. Sometimes the code blocks are long, however, and it might be desirable for that code to be in an appendix. 1

Org-mode enables this with #+CALL. For example, I have a function named circle-area in the appendix of this post that calculates the area of a circle given its radius. The function is "named" by a line like this:

#+name: function-name

I can use the function like this:

#+CALL: circle-area(1)

That is pretty nice. You can separate the code out from the main document. You still have to put the #+CALL: line in though. It may be appropriate to put a call inline with your text. If you add the following sentence, and put your cursor on the callcircle-area and press C-c C-c, the output is put in verbatim markers right after it.

The area of a circle with unit radius is call_circle-area(1).

The area of a circle with unit radius is 3.14159265359.

Here is another interesting way to do it. We can specify a named results block. Let us consider another function named hello-block that prints output. We specify a named results block like this:

#+RESULTS: function-name

Now, whenever you execute that block, the results will get put where this line is like this.

hello John

These could be useful approaches to making the "top" of your document cleaner, with less code in it. The code of course is still in the document, but at the end, in an appendix for example. This kind of separation might make it a little harder to find the code, and to reevaluate it,2 but it might improve the readability for others.

1 Appendix of code

1.1 Area of a circle

import numpy as np
return np.pi * r**2

1.2 Hello function

print 'hello ' + name



I know I can pretty conveniently collapse a code block by pressing tab on the header. Sometimes that is not enough.


It is not much harder, C-s will let you search for the named block. I do not know if there are nice convenient navigation commands for this.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.5h

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